From: Haris Bogdanovic on
> I had to change source code a bit, in wxcl.asd:
> (defparameter *wxCL-directory* #p"h:\\lisp\\wxcl\\")
> :pathname #p"h:\\lisp\\wxcl\\src\\"

I changed this:

(defparameter *wxCL-directory*
(make-pathname :name nil :type nil :version nil
:defaults (parse-namestring *load-truename*)))

into this:

(defparameter *wxCL-directory* "C:/lisp/packages/wxcl/"
(:pathname "C:/lisp/packages/wxcl/src/"))

Is that what you meant ?
It's giving me an error:

[Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

> In src/defpackage.lisp:
> (defconstant +library-name+ "h:\\lisp\\wxcl\\lib\\wxc-msw2.6.2.dll"))

In previous post you told me to change that defconstant into defparameter ?

What is this #p in front of directories standing for ?
Why are you writing "h" as drive letter in pathnames ? You have "h"
partition or something else ?

I can't even (asdf:oop 'asdf:load-op 'babel) or cffi etc. , it always says
that some
.fas file is missing from "C:\Documents and Settings\h\Application
Data\.cache\common-lisp\clisp-2.48-windows-x86\lisp\packages\babel" or cffi
I then copied some .fas files and managed to load library or two.

I don't get it. Does it really has to be so complicated to install a library

From: Alex Mizrahi on
HB> (defparameter *wxCL-directory* "C:/lisp/packages/wxcl/"
HB> (:pathname "C:/lisp/packages/wxcl/src/"))

HB> Is that what you meant ?

No. Second part should go to defsystem:

(defparameter *wxCL-directory* "C:/lisp/packages/wxcl/")


(defsystem wxCL
:description "wxCL - Common Lisp bindings to wxWidgets Library."
:version "1.1.2"
:pathname "C:/lisp/packages/wxcl/src/"


??>> In src/defpackage.lisp:
??>> (defconstant +library-name+ "h:\\lisp\\wxcl\\lib\\wxc-msw2.6.2.dll"))

HB> In previous post you told me to change that defconstant into
HB> defparameter ?

Um, it was SBCL bug, I think you don't need it in CLISP.
But it won't hurt either.

HB> What is this #p in front of directories standing for ?

Pathname literal. Reader will create pathname object rather than string
But string can be a pathname designator, so usually it does not matter.

HB> Why are you writing "h" as drive letter in pathnames ? You have "h"
HB> partition

Yup, I have H: partition.

HB> I can't even (asdf:oop 'asdf:load-op 'babel) or cffi etc. , it always
HB> says that some
HB> .fas file is missing from "C:\Documents and Settings\h\Application
HB> Data\.cache\common-lisp\clisp-2.48-windows-x86\lisp\packages\babel" or
HB> cffi etc.
HB> I then copied some .fas files and managed to load library or two.

I guess the problem is that you're using new asdf.lisp library, which is not
well tested with CLISP on Windows.

I've sent you (via email in To:) old asdf.lisp which I have here and it
seems to be good. (It doesn't use ".cache".)

HB> I don't get it. Does it really has to be so complicated to install a
HB> library ?

It shouldn't be a problem when you already have a working environment and
library is well-tested.

You have so many difficulties because

* you're using Windows. I believe most people who use open source CL
implementations have Linux, so things are more tested on that platform
* you were unlucky to try fresh version of ASDF which is not well tested
* library you're trying to install is of alpha quality, not supposed to
work out-of-box at all

So it is a combination of factors which make it that complex.
But I think you're about to get it working already :).

I'm using SBCL on Linux, and most libraries can be installed without a
problem, but from time to time there is a glitch of some sort.

From: Haris Bogdanovic on
Finally I managed to load wxcl library.
Thanks for everything and that asdf.lisp file.

I started button.lisp from examples folder.
When I exit the application I get an error:

Undefined foreign library: "c:/lisp/packages/wxcl/lib/wxc-msw2.6.2.dll"
[Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

Why is it mentioning the library when I already loaded it obviously if I
managed to load application ?

I will have to keep asdf.lisp that you sent me. Can this file be downloaded
somewhere, which version is it ?
Will new versions of asdf.lisp work on windows soon ?

I tried to load wxcl on startup with init.el but without success.
My init.el is:

(setq inferior-lisp-program "C:/lisp/clisp/clisp.exe")
(add-to-list 'load-path "c:/lisp/slime")
(add-to-list 'load-path "c:/lisp/slime/contrib")
(require 'slime-autoloads)
(slime-setup '(slime-fancy))

and then I added:

(load "c:/lisp/clisp/asdf.lisp")
(push "c:/lisp/clisp/asdf-reg/" asdf:*central-registry*)
(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'wxcl)

but wxcl doesn't load. Why ? It works when I enter it manually in repl.
( "c:/lisp/clisp/asdf-reg/" is a folder with shortcuts to packages folders )