From: jemptymethod on 22 Jul 2010 16:45 Is there some sort of limit on the size of strings when using tclkit? I ask because I am able to use the Tcl-based browser hv3 just fine to render an html page that uses the script tag and src attribute to utilize a Javascript file that is around 70k in size. That is, until I wrap hv3 as a starkit, and then the page won't render. But when I break that Javascript file into 3 files, then the browser is able to render the page just fine, depending on the size of the files. Below are the 3 files that hv3 wrapped in a starkit can handle: -rwx------ 1 George None 27693 Jul 22 16:17 jsPgnViewer_converter.js -rwx------ 1 George None 30284 Jul 22 07:04 jsPgnViewer_rest.js -rwx------ 1 George None 9311 Jul 22 16:17 jsPgnViewer_thruFuncStripItBroken.js If I re-arrange the contents of those files though, hv3 in the context of a starkit sometimes fails. Below I am posting the file sizes for an instance when the browser fails to render the page. My theory is that it's because one of them is over 32K in size. Thanks in advance for any insight into what could be causing my issue, regardless of whether it fits in with my current assumptions/hypothesis -rwx------ 1 George None 33741 Jul 22 16:07 jsPgnViewer_converter.js -rwx------ 1 George None 30284 Jul 22 07:04 jsPgnViewer_rest.js -rwx------ 1 George None 3263 Jul 22 16:06 jsPgnViewer_thruFuncStripItBroken.js
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