From: Viperstd on
I am having a problem with UIGETFILE taking a default directory path.

I am trying something similar to this on a windows machine:
>> [fn path]=uigetfile('F:\test1\test2\test3\*.jpg','Select a jpg','default.jpg')

The popup box appears in the working directory instead of F:\..\..\test3\ as I am specifying. I have tried both '/' and '\' without any success.

For example, I tried this:
>>[a b]=uigetfile('F:\test1\test2\test3\*.jpg','Select a jpg','default.jpg')
It opens in the working directory instead of where it should. If I navigate to the right place and select a file:

a =

b =

>> tst=fullfile(b,a)

tst =

>> [a b]=uigetfile(tst,'Select a jpg','default.jpg')
…opens in the working directory! I am stuck.

Thank you for your help.
From: Viperstd on
is this a versionism? I am running 7.7.0 R2008b
From: Jan Simon on
Dear Viperstd!

> I am trying something similar to this on a windows machine:
> >> [fn path]=uigetfile('F:\test1\test2\test3\*.jpg','Select a jpg','default.jpg')
> The popup box appears in the working directory instead of F:\..\..\test3\ as I am specifying. I have tried both '/' and '\' without any success.

The 2nd input FILTERSPEC of UIGETFILE does not consider the folder. As far as I understand, this is in agreement with the documentation.

One solution:
function File = uigetfileCD(FileSpec, Message, Default)
FileSpec = 'F:\test1\test2\test3\*.jpg';
[fPath, fName, fExt] = fileparts(FileSpec);
backDir = cd;
[FileName, FilePath] = uigetfile([fName, fExt], Message, Default);
if ischar(FileName)
File = fullfile(FilePath, FileName);
File = 0;

This would be a nice feature in UIGETFILE. But remember, that the FileSpec can be a more complicated cell also:
{'*.m;*.c', 'Matlab and C files'; '*.*', 'All files'}
Then FILEPARTS will fail with proud!
bakCD=cd(YourPath); choose the file; cd(bakCD)
is actually part of the program, not of the file chooser.

There have been a similar post about default paths for PUTFILE today:

Kind regards, Jan
From: Viperstd on
"Jan Simon" <matlab.THIS_YEAR(a)> wrote in message <hi5529$i52$1(a)>...
> Dear Viperstd!
> > I am trying something similar to this on a windows machine:
> > >> [fn path]=uigetfile('F:\test1\test2\test3\*.jpg','Select a jpg','default.jpg')
> >
> > The popup box appears in the working directory instead of F:\..\..\test3\ as I am specifying. I have tried both '/' and '\' without any success.
> The 2nd input FILTERSPEC of UIGETFILE does not consider the folder. As far as I understand, this is in agreement with the documentation.
> One solution:
> function File = uigetfileCD(FileSpec, Message, Default)
> FileSpec = 'F:\test1\test2\test3\*.jpg';
> [fPath, fName, fExt] = fileparts(FileSpec);
> backDir = cd;
> cd(fPath);
> [FileName, FilePath] = uigetfile([fName, fExt], Message, Default);
> if ischar(FileName)
> File = fullfile(FilePath, FileName);
> else
> File = 0;
> end
> cd(backDir);
> return;
> This would be a nice feature in UIGETFILE. But remember, that the FileSpec can be a more complicated cell also:
> {'*.m;*.c', 'Matlab and C files'; '*.*', 'All files'}
> Then FILEPARTS will fail with proud!
> Therefore
> bakCD=cd(YourPath); choose the file; cd(bakCD)
> is actually part of the program, not of the file chooser.
> There have been a similar post about default paths for PUTFILE today:
> Kind regards, Jan

Jan, thank you for the reply. I will try your code momentarily. However, I am confused as to filterspec not accepting a path.

Per the help file:
"[FileName,PathName,FilterIndex] = uigetfile(FilterSpec) displays only those files with extensions that match FilterSpec. The uigetfile function appends 'All Files' to the list of file types.FilterSpec can be a string or a cell array of strings, and can include the * wildcard.

If FilterSpec is a string that contains a filename, the filename is displayed and selected in the File name field and the file's extension is used as the default filter.

If FilterSpec is a string, it can include a path. That path can contain '.','..', or '/'. For example, '../*.m' lists all M-files in the directory above the current directory."

Does this not indicate that you _can_ specify the folder?
From: Jan Simon on
Dear Viperstd!

> If FilterSpec is a string, it can include a path. That path can contain '.','..', or '/'. For example, '../*.m' lists all M-files in the directory above the current directory."
> Does this not indicate that you _can_ specify the folder?

You are right. And in fact: It works under Matlab 7.8 and 6.5 on WinXP.
I've just read the help section and the FilterSpec with path appears in the doc only.

Please try again: uigetfile('..\*.*')

Confused, Jan
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