From: Hans on
Hi Everybody

Why is this code not showing the uitable? There is something wrong with the position and units?

'color',[0.85, 0.85, 0.85],... %Change the color of the figure
'position',[0.3, 0.7,0.4 0.2]); %Change the dimensions of the figure window

th = uitable('Data',magic(4),...
'position',[0.4 0.7 0.2 0.2]);

Best Regards

From: Andy on
"Hans " <jyde_6(a)> wrote in message <hi5bo0$1ts$1(a)>...
> Hi Everybody
> Why is this code not showing the uitable? There is something wrong with the position and units?
> fh=figure('name','Example',...
> 'numbertitle','off',...
> 'menubar','none',...
> 'color',[0.85, 0.85, 0.85],... %Change the color of the figure
> 'units','normalized',...
> 'position',[0.3, 0.7,0.4 0.2]); %Change the dimensions of the figure window
> th = uitable('Data',magic(4),...
> 'position',[0.4 0.7 0.2 0.2]);
> Best Regards
> Hans

Try adding 'Units','Normalized' to the arguments of uitable.
From: Nathan on
On Jan 7, 11:13 am, "Hans " <jyd...(a)> wrote:
> Hi Everybody
> Why is this code not showing the uitable? There is something wrong with the position and units?
> fh=figure('name','Example',...
>     'numbertitle','off',...
>     'menubar','none',...
>     'color',[0.85, 0.85, 0.85],... %Change the color of the figure
>     'units','normalized',...
>     'position',[0.3, 0.7,0.4 0.2]); %Change the dimensions of the figure window
> th = uitable('Data',magic(4),...
>     'position',[0.4 0.7 0.2 0.2]);
> Best Regards
> Hans

You forgot to set the units of the uitable to normalized as well. The
default was in pixels.

'color',[0.85, 0.85, 0.85],... %Change the color of the figure
'position',[0.3, 0.7,0.4 0.2]); %Change the dimensions of the figure
th = uitable(fh,'Data',magic(4),... %assign the uitable as a child to
the figure
'units','norm',... %NORMALIZED UNITS
'position',[0.4 0.7 0.2 0.2]);

From: Andy on
For the record, the default units for uitables is pixels. So your initial table would have been awfully hard to read.
From: Hans on
"Andy " <theorigamist(a)> wrote in message <hi5c72$65p$1(a)>...
> For the record, the default units for uitables is pixels. So your initial table would have been awfully hard to read.

Thank you very much for your reply

Best Regards
