From: Peter Perkins on
On 5/6/2010 5:54 AM, DSPtree wrote:
> clear all;
> n=10000;
> x=randn(1,n);
> y=randn(1,n);
> subplot(221);bar(x);subplot(222);bar(y);
> z=sqrt(-2*log(x))*cos(2*pi*y');
> t=hist(z,100);
> subplot(212);plot(t);

Consider the following:

1) "Given 2 independent uniform random variables X,Y"

Check your code, and type "help rand" and "help randn"

2) "For each sample of X and Y, compute Z= g(X,Y)"

Type "help times", and "help mtimes", and then check your code. In
particular, what should the size of z be, and what is it? What does the
transpose on y do (hint: that's why your code does not give you an error
that would help you figure out where you're going wrong)?

3) "Draw a histogram over the resulting samples in Z"

What does "plot(t)" do? It does not create a histogram.

Hope this helps.
From: DSPtree on
Thank you so much for the help.


I have made it shorter again.But still the shape of 'z' doesn't look familiar. So I guess I still have something wrong with this small program..

Well I m just a starter in matlab. expecting support.