From: DSPtree on 5 May 2010 14:37 Given 2 independent uniform random variables X,Y = U [0,1], consider the random variables Z = g (X,Y) for g (x,y) = sqrt (-2ln(x) ). cos(2piy)..This is the condition.So I need to go for matlab program as the analytic method is tough 1 - 10,000 uniformly distributed random samples for X and Y 2 - For each sample of X and Y, compute Z= g(X,Y) 3 - Draw a histogram over the resulting samples in Z 4 - Estimate the moments mZ for n = 1,2....6.
From: John D'Errico on 5 May 2010 19:01 DSPtree <paulscot45(a)> wrote in message <2024364947.79076.1273099076053.JavaMail.root(a)>... > Given 2 independent uniform random variables X,Y = U [0,1], consider the random variables Z = g (X,Y) for g (x,y) = sqrt (-2ln(x) ). cos(2piy)..This is the condition.So I need to go for matlab program as the analytic method is tough > > 1 - 10,000 uniformly distributed random samples for X and Y > 2 - For each sample of X and Y, compute Z= g(X,Y) > 3 - Draw a histogram over the resulting samples in Z > 4 - Estimate the moments mZ for n = 1,2....6. Surely you have tried something? If not, why not? John
From: Walter Roberson on 5 May 2010 19:16 DSPtree wrote: > Given 2 independent uniform random variables X,Y = U [0,1], consider the random variables Z = g (X,Y) for g (x,y) = sqrt (-2ln(x) ). cos(2piy)..This is the condition.So I need to go for matlab program as the analytic method is tough > > 1 - 10,000 uniformly distributed random samples for X and Y > 2 - For each sample of X and Y, compute Z= g(X,Y) > 3 - Draw a histogram over the resulting samples in Z > 4 - Estimate the moments mZ for n = 1,2....6. Okay, go ahead, we give you permission to write such a program. If you should happen to come up with a _specific_ Matlab question, then if you indicate what you are having trouble with, we may be able to assist you.
From: DSPtree on 6 May 2010 01:54 clear all; n=10000; x=randn(1,n); y=randn(1,n); subplot(221);bar(x);subplot(222);bar(y); z=sqrt(-2*log(x))*cos(2*pi*y'); t=hist(z,100); subplot(212);plot(t); This is what i have done till now. But I am not sure whether i could take z like that and plot it.
From: DSPtree on 6 May 2010 01:59 the plot shows a normal distribution i guess. shall i have to take some arbitary mean and sigma . this output looks little weird.
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