From: lalop on 28 Nov 2009 09:29 I am an electronics student and pretty new in FPGAs' use. I am interested in to send images to a monitor from the FPGA. I have already performed a test using the Spartan 3 xilinx board based on an example I found at the Internet and it worked perfectly. Now I am trying to translate the same example to the ML405 xilinx board, however it doesn't work correctly. I wonder if someone could give me a hand to solve this problem. I add my vhdl code and ucf file lalo library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; ---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating ---- any Xilinx primitives in this code. --library UNISIM; --use UNISIM.VComponents.all; entity top is port(clk100_in : in std_logic; red_out : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); green_out : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); blue_out : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); hs_out : out std_logic; vs_out : out std_logic); end top; architecture Behavioral of top is signal clk25 : std_logic; signal clk50 : std_logic; signal hcounter : integer range 0 to 800; signal vcounter : integer range 0 to 521; signal color: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); begin -- generate a 50Mhz clock process (clk100_in) begin if clk100_in'event and clk100_in='1' then clk50 <= not clk50; end if; end process; -- generate a 55Mhz clock process (clk50) begin if clk50'event and clk50='1' then clk25 <= not clk25; end if; end process; -- change color every one second p1: process (clk25) variable cnt: integer; begin if clk25'event and clk25='1' then cnt := cnt + 1; if cnt = 25000000 then color <= color + "001"; cnt := 0; end if; end if; end process; p2: process (clk25, hcounter, vcounter) variable x: integer range 0 to 639; variable y: integer range 0 to 479; begin -- hcounter counts from 0 to 799 -- vcounter counts from 0 to 520 -- x coordinate: 0 - 639 (x = hcounter - 144, i.e., hcounter -Tpw-Tbp) -- y coordinate: 0 - 479 (y = vcounter - 31, i.e., vcounter-Tpw-Tbp) x := hcounter - 144; y := vcounter - 31; if clk25'event and clk25 = '1' then -- To draw a pixel in (x0, y0), simply test if the ray trace to it -- and set its color to any value between 1 to 7. The following example simply sets -- the whole display area to a single-color wash, which is changed every one -- second. if x < 640 and y < 480 then -- red_out <= "0000" & color(0); -- green_out<= "0000" & color(1); -- blue_out <= "0000" & color(2); red_out <= "11111"; green_out<= "11111"; blue_out <= "11111"; else -- if not traced, set it to "black" color red_out <= "00000"; green_out<= "00000"; blue_out <= "00000"; end if; -- Here is the timing for horizontal synchronization. -- (Refer to p. 24, Xilinx, Spartan-3 Starter Kit Board User Guide) -- Pulse width: Tpw = 96 cycles @ 25 MHz -- Back porch: Tbp = 48 cycles -- Display time: Tdisp = 640 cycles -- Front porch: Tfp = 16 cycles -- Sync pulse time (total cycles) Ts = 800 cycles if hcounter > 0 and hcounter < 97 then hs_out <= '0'; else hs_out <= '1'; end if; -- Here is the timing for vertical synchronization. -- (Refer to p. 24, Xilinx, Spartan-3 Starter Kit Board User Guide) -- Pulse width: Tpw = 1600 cycles (2 lines) @ 25 MHz -- Back porch: Tbp = 23200 cycles (29 lines) -- Display time: Tdisp = 38400 cycles (480 lines) -- Front porch: Tfp = 8000 cycles (10 lines) -- Sync pulse time (total cycles) Ts = 416800 cycles (521 lines) if vcounter > 0 and vcounter < 3 then vs_out <= '0'; else vs_out <= '1'; end if; -- horizontal counts from 0 to 799 hcounter <= hcounter+1; if hcounter = 800 then vcounter <= vcounter+1; hcounter <= 0; end if; -- vertical counts from 0 to 519 if vcounter = 521 then vcounter <= 0; end if; end if; end process; end behavioral; Net "clk100_in" Loc = "AB14"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Viretex-4 VGA P2 Port: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #RED # LOC = R6; #VGA_R0 # LOC = R7; #VGA_R1 #NET red_out<0> LOC = P9; #VGA_R2 NET red_out<0> LOC = F3; #VGA_R3 NET red_out<1> LOC = H7; #VGA_R4 NET red_out<2> LOC = E3; #VGA_R5 NET red_out<3> LOC = G5; #VGA_R6 NET red_out<4> LOC = D3; #VGA_R7 # drive strength and speed for VGA NET red_out<*> SLEW = FAST; NET red_out<*> DRIVE = 8; #GREEN # LOC = N9; #VGA_G0 # LOC = N6; #VGA_G1 #NET green_out<0> LOC = P6; # VGA_G2 NET green_out<0> LOC = J3; # VGA_G3 NET green_out<1> LOC = K7; # VGA_G4 NET green_out<2> LOC = K3; # VGA_G5 NET green_out<3> LOC = G10; # VGA_G6 NET green_out<4> LOC = K6; # VGA_G7 # drive strength and speed for VGA NET green_out<*> SLEW = FAST; NET green_out<*> DRIVE = 8; #BLUE # LOC = P10; #VGA_B0 # LOC = P11; #VGA_B1 #NET blue_out<0> LOC = P8; # VGA_B2 NET blue_out<0> LOC = F4; # VGA_B3 NET blue_out<1> LOC = J4; # VGA_B4 NET blue_out<2> LOC = G9; # VGA_B5 NET blue_out<3> LOC = J5; # VGA_B6 NET blue_out<4> LOC = H3; # VGA_B7 # drive strength and speed for VGA NET blue_out<*> SLEW = FAST; NET blue_out<*> DRIVE = 8; NET clk25 LOC = AC7; #VGA_CLK NET clk25 IOSTANDARD = LVDCI_33; NET clk25 SLEW = FAST; NET clk25 DRIVE = 8; NET hs_out LOC = C3; #HSYNC NET hs_out SLEW = FAST; NET hs_out DRIVE = 8; NET vs_out LOC = D4; #VSYNC NET vs_out SLEW = FAST; NET vs_out DRIVE = 8;
From: Gabor on 28 Nov 2009 11:27 On Nov 28, 9:29 am, "lalop" <euar...(a)> wrote: > I am an electronics student and pretty new in FPGAs' use. > > I am interested in to send images to a monitor from the FPGA. > I have already performed a test using the Spartan 3 xilinx board based on > an example I found at the Internet and it worked perfectly. Now I am trying > to translate the same example to the ML405 xilinx board, however it doesn't > work correctly. > > I wonder if someone could give me a hand to solve this problem. I add my > vhdl code and ucf file > > lalo > [snip] lalo, In what way doesn't it work right? I assume you pretty much copied the code from the other project. You did check the pinout definitions in your .ucf file against the board documentation? Does the Virtex 4 board have the same hardware for VGA output (D/A Converter or just resistors) as the old board? Most video D/A Converters need a clock signal as well as synch and data. Your clocking is a bit of a mess. I imagine you may have inherited some of it from the prior project, but it's not generally good practice to make ripple counters in an FPGA. Your net clk25 in the .ucf doesn't correspond to a top module port. Is this supposed to drive the D/A converter clock? Regards, Gabor
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