From: Miguel on 31 Oct 2009 13:04 Hi, I'm traying to make streming from wii balance board, I have a java server that pick up data of 4 sensor and send to every clients connected. Data format sended is something like that: 1.12345 3.4567 1.3567 8.1234\n I have create the following script: function t=startWiiStreaming() t=tcpip('localhost',5000); set(t,'InputBufferSize',2000); t.BytesAvailableFcnMode='terminator'; t.Terminator='LF'; t.BytesAvailableFcnCount=100; t.BytesAvailableFcn=(a)mycallback; fopen(t); end; function mycallback(hObject, eventdata) disp(fscanf(hObject,'%c')); end executing startWiiStreaming only appears a line with the first data sended. It looks like a problem with the input buffer but I have no idea about what Somebody can help me? thanks
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