From: Rob Gaddi on
On 5/28/2010 10:17 AM, rickman wrote:
> On May 28, 6:32 am, John_H<newsgr...(a)> wrote:
>> On May 27, 2:05 pm, rickman<gnu...(a)> wrote:
>>> How can a sync ram be used at all if an async reset is specified in
>>> the HDL? There is no way to "add" an async reset to a sync memory.
>>> Rick
>> From the original poster 2 messages before yours: "The reset logic was
>> sequential, i.e. reset address 0, then reset address
>> 1, one per clock until the entire thing was done." Nothing
>> asynchronous here.
> That shouldn't prevent a memory from being used then. That's just
> logic driving the RAM. I would guess there was something about the
> code that couldn't be done with a ram. Actually, looking at his code,
> I don't see where he is writing to the ram ram_dat. fir_cascade is
> written, but I don't see where it is initialized. I don't get his
> code. It looks more like software than hardware. I'm used to
> debugging hardware...
> Rick

ram_dat gets written in the IIR state and the RESET state.
if msd_rdy then

-- Update the stored data and advance the
-- write pointer. Also decrement the FIR index, which
-- we're just using to count IIR stages at this point.

ram_dat(TO_INTEGER(write_idx)) <= y;
when RESET =>
-- Initialize the states for both filters
ram_dat(TO_INTEGER(write_idx)) <= (others => '0');

Looking through the XST report, it was definitely generating ram_dat as
a RAM. But it for some reason it was insisting that the reset
implementation happen on it's very own dedicated write port, which was
exploding the logic requirements 4-fold.

Ultimately the answer was just to trust the Xilinx global reset on
powerup to zero out the RAMs and forgo the runtime reset. Which will
work, it's just a little less elegant/portable.

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology
Email address is currently out of order
From: rickman on
On May 28, 1:37 pm, Rob Gaddi <rga...(a)> wrote:
> On 5/28/2010 10:17 AM, rickman wrote:
> > On May 28, 6:32 am, John_H<newsgr...(a)>  wrote:
> >> On May 27, 2:05 pm, rickman<gnu...(a)>  wrote:
> >>> How can a sync ram be used at all if an async reset is specified in
> >>> the HDL?  There is no way to "add" an async reset to a sync memory.
> >>> Rick
> >>  From the original poster 2 messages before yours: "The reset logic was
> >> sequential, i.e. reset address 0, then reset address
> >> 1, one per clock until the entire thing was done."  Nothing
> >> asynchronous here.
> > That shouldn't prevent a memory from being used then.  That's just
> > logic driving the RAM.  I would guess there was something about the
> > code that couldn't be done with a ram.  Actually, looking at his code,
> > I don't see where he is writing to the ram ram_dat.  fir_cascade is
> > written, but I don't see where it is initialized.  I don't get his
> > code.  It looks more like software than hardware.  I'm used to
> > debugging hardware...
> > Rick
> ram_dat gets written in the IIR state and the RESET state.
> ---
>      if msd_rdy then
>            -- Update the stored data and advance the
>            -- write pointer.  Also decrement the FIR index, which
>            -- we're just using to count IIR stages at this point.
>            ram_dat(TO_INTEGER(write_idx))  <= y;
> ---
>        when RESET =>
>          -- Initialize the states for both filters
>          ram_dat(TO_INTEGER(write_idx))  <= (others => '0');

Not sure what is wrong, I can't find this code in your post. But I if
this is your code, then yes, I guess it is being written.

> Looking through the XST report, it was definitely generating ram_dat as
> a RAM.  But it for some reason it was insisting that the reset
> implementation happen on it's very own dedicated write port, which was
> exploding the logic requirements 4-fold.
> Ultimately the answer was just to trust the Xilinx global reset on
> powerup to zero out the RAMs and forgo the runtime reset.  Which will
> work, it's just a little less elegant/portable.

I was thinking about this the other day. Yes, the RAM is initialized
when the bitstream is loaded, but that is different than the FFs being
set/cleared on GSR. If you want the ram reinitialized, you have to
reconfigure the part. BTW, I expect you know you can init the RAM to
arbitrary values, right? But I guess anything other than zero in the
data ram is not too useful. It can load default filter coeffs for you

From: Brian Drummond on
On Fri, 28 May 2010 10:37:28 -0700, Rob Gaddi
<rgaddi(a)> wrote:

>ram_dat gets written in the IIR state and the RESET state.
> if msd_rdy then
> -- Update the stored data and advance the
> -- write pointer. Also decrement the FIR index, which
> -- we're just using to count IIR stages at this point.
> ram_dat(TO_INTEGER(write_idx)) <= y;
> when RESET =>
> -- Initialize the states for both filters
> ram_dat(TO_INTEGER(write_idx)) <= (others => '0');
>Looking through the XST report, it was definitely generating ram_dat as
>a RAM. But it for some reason it was insisting that the reset
>implementation happen on it's very own dedicated write port, which was
>exploding the logic requirements 4-fold.
>Ultimately the answer was just to trust the Xilinx global reset on
>powerup to zero out the RAMs and forgo the runtime reset. Which will
>work, it's just a little less elegant/portable.

Another answer would be to write
ram_dat(TO_INTEGER(write_idx)) <= y_zero;
in both states (trusting ... but verify!) synthesis to combine them;
but to mux either Y or 0 onto y_zero according to the state.


process (...)
variable y_zero : signed_48;
variable wr_idx : integer;
if rising_edge(clk) then
wr_idx := TO_INTEGER(write_idx); -- write the ugliness once!
y_zero := y; -- default value, eliminates latches!

case state is
when FIR =>
ram_dat(wr_idx) <= y_zero;

when RESET =>
y_zero := (others => '0');
ram_dat(wr_idx) <= y_zero;

Hopefully synthesis can't mess that up too badly!

- Brian
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