From: Ludwig Hähne on
Hi John,

> When Beta and VHS went head to head I was told
> Beta was a better product. If for arguments
> sake this was the case Beta still failed as VHS
> apparently had more movie titles which was the
> whole point of video tape in the first place.

One interesting spot in your analogy is the following: Movie titles are
consumer goods while in the coding area *you* are meant to be the
producer. It may need a few very good ones (movies/tutorials) to get you
inspired, but then you don't want to watch videos all day when you
originally planned to make your own movie :)

> And I think that would apply to operating systems
> such as Linux vs. Windows or applications such as
> the case of the list of assemblers read "tutorials"
> instead of "titles".
> In my quest to get up to speed with Windows assembler
> the cold reality is MASM has the examples.

.... and most other assemblers have them as well.

> Now when I first learnt assembler for DOS with TASM
> and then went onto MASM the translation was easy as
> none of the books used the high level constructs
> and directives I see in the MASM Window examples.
> Thus I get an example like this,
> .. . .
> start: ; The CODE entry point to the program
> print chr$("Hey, this actually works.",13,10)
> exit
> ;
> end start ; Tell MASM where the program ends
> Without any explanation of where the "print" instruction
> came from or how to use it.
> As for Iczelion's tutorials they do assume a working
> knowledge of MASM. So I wonder how many programmers
> using NASM, FASM, RosASM etc actually learnt Windows
> assembler using those assemblers? There are no beginner
> tutorials for them so I suspect they learnt assembler
> with MASM?

I learnt the basics of (inline) assembler with Turbo Pascal and later
Delphi, then switched to NASM because of its IMHO far superior syntax
and with it I *really* learnt assembler. Finally, I tried RosAsm (its
name was SpAsm back then) and gained fluency in writing assembler and
learnt Win32 with it. The transition from one assembler to another is
not that difficult as long as you avoid the use of macros and write
plain asm.

> Window examples don't look like the old assembly
> language I learnt with DOS that is for sure!
> "Instead, a large number of the statements
> are macro invocations. Now this may be great for
> the programmer who has created all these macros
> and intimately understands their operation. To
> the 80x86 programmer who isn't familiar with
> those macros, however, it's all gibberish."
> My thoughts exactly. Unless *fully* explained
> they are all gibberish.

As you are experienced with assembly you might prefer Test Departments
Win32 demos written in plain asm and are also available for RosAsm:

They are well documented and don't require the knowledge of the advanced
language features that the assemblers provide.

> That's why, and I direct this to Rený in particular,
> I have to use MASM.

Whatever you like.

> I don't have the education or time to learn from
> the intel documentation when there is an easier
> way. Let experts like Randy Hyde explain it to
> me with his AoA the same way I learnt DOS
> assembler from the assembler books I have on my
> shelf. I have to use the assembler they use.

You have to? Because they say so? :)

> The only alternative is for those developing yet
> another assembler is to realise that if they want
> new blood they need to spend more time on tutorials
> and less time on giving their product even more
> bells and whistles.

If you have the time, download the RosAsm package and the test
department tutorials from the RosAsm page and have a look at the first
tutorial. I would be interested of what someone experienced with asm but
new to Win32 coding thinks of it ...

From: Evenbit on
JGCASEY wrote:
> When Beta and VHS went head to head I was told
> Beta was a better product. If for arguments
> sake this was the case Beta still failed as VHS
> apparently had more movie titles which was the
> whole point of video tape in the first place.
> And I think that would apply to operating systems
> such as Linux vs. Windows

Your analogy fails here too. Linux is the higher quality product.
Linux has more applications available for it (typically, it already
comes with more than the average user needs right "out of the box").
Linux is user scalable and thus gets adapted to all the new platforms.
Linux is free and thus gets spread to more machines than Windows -- so
it wins the popularity contest too. Companies are abandoning MS
products because they don't appreciate being locked-in to proprietary
technology (this cost them more $$$ in the long run). For a long time
now, Microsoft has been experiencing a difficult time selling upgrades
to Windows because the upgrades don't offer any real incentive to "make
the switch" -- certainly not enough to justify buying WinXP licenses
for a 5,000 seat call center that works fine using Win9x, for instance
[I can't remember the number...something like 20% or 40% of business,
industrial, and institutional seats are still running (and plan to
continue) "obsolete" OSs ... some even using Win95 and DOS]. Heck,
Bill Gates already came to the conclusion (back when he wrote his book)
that there is little future in selling operating systems now that
they've become ubiquitous. That's one of the factors for why MS can no
longer turn a profit. Bill is attempting to restructure the company's
focus but is fighting against the inertia of the behemoth that he
created plus he is fighting the new realities of the 'industry' at the
same time.

> As for Iczelion's tutorials they do assume a working
> knowledge of MASM. So I wonder how many programmers
> using NASM, FASM, RosASM etc actually learnt Windows
> assembler using those assemblers?

I think you are confused about a number of things here. Don't assume
that a language and the tool to compile it are the same thing. The C
language is still the C language no matter what compiler you use. Same
thing with assembly. Also, the Windows API is still the same Windows
API no matter what assembler you use.

I suspected some of this confusion in your earlier posts... even though
you seem to sometimes get it... then you do a 180 and seem to confuse
things again... so, just to make sure you are clear on this:

Assembly {or C, or Basic, or Pascal} language is seperate from the
toolset used to create applications writen in assembly {or C, or Basic,
or Pascal}. In other words:

The compiler IS NOT the language.
The 'stdlib' IS NOT the language.
The header file IS NOT the language.
The IDE IS NOT the language.
The Form Designer IS NOT the language.
The Application Framework IS NOT the language.
The Windows API IS NOT the language.
The Interupt Calls {just another API} IS NOT the language.
The etc...

"XOR EAX, EAX" is going to be encoded the same no matter which
assembler you use -- just the way that you express it -- "xor( eax, eax
)", "xor %eax, %eax" -- its syntax, changes. So, it is relatively
trivial for a regular user of one assembler to read source code written
for another assembler and 'translate' it to the proper syntax, etc..
for the compiler he/she is comfortable with.

> Although I think I get the "invoke" statement there are
> other statements such as,
> LOCAL wc:WNDCLASSEX ; create local variables on stack
> that are not explained in a way I could translate this
> to say FASM.

"wc" is a local variable.
"WNDCLASSEX" is a record (or structure) defined in the header file.

> and what I presume are directives of some kind,
> .WHILE TRUE ; Enter message loop
> invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg,NULL,0,0
> .BREAK .IF (!eax)
> invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg
> invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg
> leaving me wondering what is being tested for being TRUE?

Answer: Nothing. This ".WHILE TRUE... .ENDW" simply sets up a loop
that doesn't have a defined exit -- so it loops forever. HLA uses the
"forever... endfor;" construction to do the same thing. In your DOS
assembly, you probably did the same thing (and you can optionally do it
here too if you are more comfortable with what you already know) by
simply defining a label (like "here:" or "@@:") in place of the ".WHILE
TRUE" and then using a jump to that label ("jmp here" or "jmp @B") in
place of the ".ENDW" line.

> I don't have the education or time to learn from
> the intel documentation when there is an easier

The Intel documentation isn't going to be of much help with Windows API
programming -- Intel manufactures and sells CPUs, not GUI operating

Since you said you have been programming in high level languages,
perhaps you would be more comfortable using one of those in your
transition from DOS to Windows programming? Learn and explore the
Windows API from there first, and THEN jump back to assembly.

Here is a resource for Windows programming in Visual Basic, Delphi, and
C++ Builder:

And below you'll find the source code for the standard Windows
application written in C (which I pulled from here: ). See anything you recognize from those
xillian tutes?

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
// written by jared bruni
// for planetsourcecode
// this was a request.
// keep your coding requests coming !

// having multiple windows, using pure C

#include <windows.h>
#define BOPEN1 1

// function prototypes
void InitApp(HINSTANCE);

// variables

HWND hwnd;
HWND other;
HWND bopen;

// winmain entry point
MSG msg;
g_hInst = hInst;


return msg.wParam;

// initlize application
void InitApp(HINSTANCE hInst)
wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH);
wc.hInstance = hInst;
wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW);
wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL,IDI_APPLICATION);
wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) MainProc;
wc.lpszClassName = "Main";
wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;


wc.lpszClassName = "Other";
wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) OtherProc;


hwnd = CreateWindow("Main","Main
other =



// Main Process CallBack Function
bopen = CreateWindow("Button","Open Window 2",WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE
| BS_PUSHBUTTON,5,5,150,20,hwnd,(HMENU)BOPEN1,g_hInst,0);
case BOPEN1:
default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam);

return 0;
// Other Window CallBack Function
case WM_CLOSE:
default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam);

return 0;
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


From: JGCASEY on

Ludwig Hähne wrote:

> As you are experienced with assembly you might
> prefer Test Departments Win32 demos written in
> plain asm and are also available for RosAsm:

I downloaded the Test Departement Win32 Tutorials
but I only seem to get the .exe files?


From: JGCASEY on

Evenbit wrote:
> JGCASEY wrote:
> > and what I presume are directives of some kind,
> > .WHILE TRUE ; Enter message loop
> > invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg,NULL,0,0
> > .BREAK .IF (!eax)
> > invoke TranslateMessage, ADDR msg
> > invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg
> > .ENDW
> > leaving me wondering what is being tested for
> > being TRUE?
> Answer: Nothing. This ".WHILE TRUE... .ENDW"
> simply sets up a loop that doesn't have a defined
> exit -- so it loops forever.

So without the directives it would be written
something like this?

invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg, NULL, 0, 0
cmp eax,0
jnz ExitLoop
invoke TrasnlateMessage, ADDR msg
invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg
jmp Here

Thanks for the post I am starting to get a
few misconceptions corrected, I think :)


From: f0dder on
JGCASEY wrote:
> Ludwig Hýhne wrote:
>> As you are experienced with assembly you might
>> prefer Test Departments Win32 demos written in
>> plain asm and are also available for RosAsm:
> I downloaded the Test Departement Win32 Tutorials
> but I only seem to get the .exe files?

That is because RosASM follows the rather unusual method of
embedding source code inside the executables. So you'll need
RosASM or a hexeditor to use it. Or google for "test department",
iirc the code was originally written for masm.

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