From: on

JGCASEY wrote:

> > If you want to see the actual code that MASM
> > emits for any of the HLL-like statements, just
> > use the /EP command line object. This will
> > produce a "pure" assembly language output file
> > that you can read.
> Can this be done using the RadAsm IDE?
> I have opted to learn how to use it to write
> Window assembler programs as it appears to
> make it much easier and supports most of
> the assemblers on offer.
> I have found some good examples of how MASM
> translates these HLL-like statements to
> "pure" assembler.

It *may* be possible to do this from RadAsm if you customize it
properly (and have the output appear in the message window). But the
bottom line is that sooner or later you're going to need to get
comfortable using the command line. For some operations you cannot beat
the flexibility of using the command line processor under Windows.
Randy Hyde

From: on

JGCASEY wrote:
> He also wrote:
> "Win32+assembler is becoming more and more popular,
> you can use a low level language (assembler) together
> with a very high level language (the Windows API) -
> a perfect combination!"

Don't let Rene see that! He'll start calling GoAsm a "C side tool"!
Randy Hyde

From: JGCASEY on

randyhyde(a) wrote:
> JGCASEY wrote:
> > > If you want to see the actual code that MASM
> > > emits for any of the HLL-like statements, just
> > > use the /EP command line object. This will
> > > produce a "pure" assembly language output file
> > > that you can read.
> > Can this be done using the RadAsm IDE?
> > I have opted to learn how to use it to write
> > Window assembler programs as it appears to
> > make it much easier and supports most of
> > the assemblers on offer.
> It *may* be possible to do this from RadAsm
> if you customize it properly (and have the
> output appear in the message window). But the
> bottom line is that sooner or later you're
> going to need to get comfortable using the
> command line. For some operations you cannot
> beat the flexibility of using the command
> line processor under Windows.

How primitive! I am familiar with the command
from the TASM, MASM, NASM DOS days. I did in
fact attempt a compile from the command line
using /EP but ml was not recognized. I guess
I now have to figure out how to set up the
pathway in WindowsXP. Why this is not done
automatically by RadASM I don't know.

I woke up this morning, fired up RadASM for
a tutorial session and got a nasty little
MessageBox for my effort,

Error during process creation

[X] Error opening code templates file

I just hate these error messages without
any explanation of what to do about them.

I tried to load a file anyway,

[X] C:\GoAsm\BIN\GoAsm.EXE "Nothing.asm"


Think I will have breakfast and worry
about it after work :)

John Casey

From: on

JGCASEY wrote:
> >
> > It *may* be possible to do this from RadAsm
> > if you customize it properly (and have the
> > output appear in the message window). But the
> > bottom line is that sooner or later you're
> > going to need to get comfortable using the
> > command line. For some operations you cannot
> > beat the flexibility of using the command
> > line processor under Windows.
> How primitive!

Perhaps. But there are just some things that cannot be done effectively
from an IDE. Perhaps listing the expansion of built-in macros is not
one of these things (see RosAsm, for example), but you *will* run into
walls with existing assembly IDEs. Nothing beats the flexibility of the
command line, even if it is a bit "primitive."

> I am familiar with the command
> from the TASM, MASM, NASM DOS days. I did in
> fact attempt a compile from the command line
> using /EP but ml was not recognized. I guess
> I now have to figure out how to set up the
> pathway in WindowsXP. Why this is not done
> automatically by RadASM I don't know.

RadAsm probably *does* set up the path to ml.exe in the environment in
which it runs, but it probably does *not* set up the Windows PATH
environment for using ml.exe outside RadAsm. However, if you run
Hutch's MASM32 installer, it should set things up properly for you
(even if it *does* insist on putting things in globally known
subdirectories; indeed, Hutch does this *exactly* for people like you
who would prefer not being bothered with having to learn all this
arcane stuff before they can write a simple hello world program.)

> I woke up this morning, fired up RadASM for
> a tutorial session and got a nasty little
> MessageBox for my effort,
> Error during process creation
> [X] Error opening code templates file
> I just hate these error messages without
> any explanation of what to do about them.
> I tried to load a file anyway,
> [X] C:\GoAsm\BIN\GoAsm.EXE "Nothing.asm"
> Ahhhh!!
> Think I will have breakfast and worry
> about it after work :)

RadAsm is indeed powerful. But I've had my share of frustrations with
it. Once you figure out how to customize the ini files for it, you'll
be able to do wonderful things. But "out of the box" it can be a
frustrating experience. This is why Sevag, for example, wrote HIDE (HLA
IDE). He wanted something that beginners could use right away without
lots of customization, setting paths, and all that other good stuff. If
you were using HLA, I'd recommend that you take a look at HIDE. OTOH,
RadAsm *was* originally written for MASM, so it should work best with
MASM, as delivered. Still, having gone through the learning curve with
RadAsm to get it working with HLA, I can appreciate your frustration.
If you're interested in simply getting some assembly work done, and
you're not interested in playing around with the IDE options, RadAsm
seems to offer lots of detours on the path to what you want to do. Have
faith, though, once you get past this initial point, you'll probably be
swearing by RadAsm rather than at RadAsm. At least, that's what happens
with most people.
Randy Hyde

From: f0dder on
randyhyde(a) wrote:

> However, if you run Hutch's MASM32 installer, it should set things
> up properly for you (even if it *does* insist on putting things in
> globally known subdirectories; indeed, Hutch does this *exactly*
> for people like you who would prefer not being bothered with having
> to learn all this arcane stuff before they can write a simple hello
> world program.)

Afaik, the MASM32 installer doesn't set up any environment paths;
this is why the system requires installing to x:\MASM32 , and that
all files (.asm as well as .bat) in the distribution uses hardcoded

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