From: kam311 on
Thanks, I've already ordered a new mobo. This isn't my PC, but I'm
going to try a Gigabyte board. Apparently's it's gotten good
reviews. Personally, I'm a big fan of Soyo and Epox. Just a hassle,
is all...Thanks again.

From: JAD on
HEY! you have the same darn video card that another poster used, he failed
to hook up the power to the too?

"kam311" <kam311(a)> wrote in message
> Thanks, I've already ordered a new mobo. This isn't my PC, but I'm
> going to try a Gigabyte board. Apparently's it's gotten good
> reviews. Personally, I'm a big fan of Soyo and Epox. Just a hassle,
> is all...Thanks again.

From: kam311 on
Nope, hooked the power to the card fine. Not an issue.

From: nthums1 on
Have you checked to see if all voltages are getting to the board?
You should be able to back probe the MOBO connector. For pinout, you
can search, or find one in the ULTRA PS forum. It also shows what to
jumper to fire up the PS while disconnected.
Do a double check of all jumpers, connectors and make sure MOBO is
properly screwed to case. I came across someone saying they used the
plastic washers for the standoffs. Pretty sure their case used
different holes on the MObO for mounting, as I needed them not.
On jumpers, I'd remove, visually check and reinstall. Could be
something as simple as the USB jumper in the wrong position for your
hardware and getting an immediate hang.
Also if you have the green switch in addition to the power, I'd just
disconnect temporarily. Also master slave jumpers on HDD & CD
etc. I've made that mistake and not gotten anything on a different
Start with Bios reset once you are satisfied everything is correct,
per manual. Boot to bIOS and set optimum defaults. Try booting to OS
install disk. Note, I have some install disks, SE upgrade from 98
only, and ME upgrade that will do nothing unless I manage to get into
some DOS first. Have to have bootable CD, unless you have floppy drive
and use startup disk. If using WD drive, their CD is bootable.

From: kam311 on
Thanks for the advice, but I've installed a new mobo, and it posts
fine and boots. The new issue is CPU heating. The blower fan from
thermaltake didn't do the job, so i tried the ht-101 heatpipe and fan
combo from aerocool. Even worse, it got up to about 160 in a minute.
Thermal grease, good contact on the die of the CPU and
everything...couldn't figure it out. I used my Jet 7+ from my
personal PC and it kept it under 130 at full power. This is still a
little high fo my tastes, as my PC stays at about 120F at low fan
speed setting and full CPU utilization.
Any recommendations for an AMD XP 3000+ that would keep it cool, and
ideally, fairly quiet? Keep in mind, I don't quite have the
clearance for a Jet 7 blower fan in this case unless I make some mods
to the duct work on the side panel. Thanks.