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From: RayLopez99 on 7 Jun 2010 12:13 On Jun 7, 4:56 pm, Mike Easter <Mi...(a)ster.invalid> wrote: > > > Anyway, I found in the root shell (still under the D.S.L. GUI) called > > "PPPoEconf", > > Don't go there. > Thanks Mike. Interesting that you know about minefields. I gotta go exercise, cook dinner, do some programming, then after midnight my time try this before i retire and report back here. Tx for the tip. RL
From: RayLopez99 on 7 Jun 2010 12:23 On Jun 7, 5:48 pm, Pascal Hambourg <boite-a-s...(a)> wrote: > > Trouble now is this: the manual for the Ethernet card recommends > > installing the driver first, then inserting the hardware into the PCI > > slot. > > Just ignore this. Any decent distribution should already include the > driver for this card. > OK, this seems to be the "answer" (I'll try it tonight), but why are you assuming that Damn Small Linux (dsl 4.2.5) is a "modern" or "decent" distribution? And the hardware is a Pentium II from 1997 or so. Anyway, merci I'll try it tonight and report back. RL
From: RayLopez99 on 7 Jun 2010 12:24 On Jun 7, 3:08 pm, Nico Kadel-Garcia <nka...(a)> wrote: > That part is not entirely Mr. Lopez's fault. The mishandling of the > word "modem" for both DSL and ISDN and ordinary telephone modems, and > the mislabeling of what are ADSL *GATEWAYS* as switches and routers, > has led to some nightmarish confusion for anyone trying to sort out > help requests.. Correct. I even pointed out the term "Gateway" is imprecise in an earlier post. RL
From: Mike Easter on 7 Jun 2010 12:31 RayLopez99 wrote: > after midnight my > time try this before i retire and report back here. Greece is currently on EEST - UTC +0300 Eastern European Summer Time 3 hours east of the meridian!? That is 10 hours later than US Pacific Daylight Time (UTC -0700), nearly halfway around the world, in terms of zones. You are as many TZs east of me as Kazakhstan is 'west' of me, or said another way, if you were 2 more TZs east, such as Oman, you would be as many TZs away as you could be. -- Mike Easter
From: Pascal Hambourg on 7 Jun 2010 13:28
RayLopez99 a �crit : > On Jun 7, 5:48 pm, Pascal Hambourg <boite-a-s...(a)> > wrote: > >> Just ignore this. Any decent distribution should already include the >> driver for this card. > > OK, this seems to be the "answer" (I'll try it tonight), but why are > you assuming that Damn Small Linux (dsl 4.2.5) is a "modern" or > "decent" distribution? I wrote "decent", not "modern", because RTL 8139 based ethernet cards are extremely common so supporting them is desirable for any general-purpose distribution. It does not have to be modern, that's old hardware. > And the hardware is a Pentium II from 1997 or so. It does not matter. I run recent distributions on similarly aged hardware (but more RAM). |