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From: RayLopez99 on 8 Jun 2010 07:15 On Jun 8, 1:23 pm, The Natural Philosopher <t...(a)invalid.invalid> wrote: > > Your friends here are saying that this is unnecessary--just plug the > > card in. Do you disagree? Then it shows either you are wrong or your > > friends are wrong. > > No it shows you are dumb. > > If its source code there will be a make file. > > But you should not need source code for a standard driver. It should be > there. > You are wrong (again). Just tried it--and apparently the ethernet card is being recognized automatically by Damn Small Linux on boot (eth0 port). Trouble is, I can't seem to connect to the internet...rebooting now... RL
From: RayLopez99 on 8 Jun 2010 07:22 On Jun 8, 2:03 pm, Aragorn <arag...(a)chatfactory.invalid> wrote: > So is trolling pathological? I don't know, really. Is /bullying/ > pathological? Or is it all just the dark side of human nature being > more prominently represented in a few individuals? > -- > *Aragorn* > (registered GNU/Linux user #223157) There, there now. Feel better now? Take your meds (if they have them for autism). At least you're not a suffer of that disease--forget the name now but saw an article on it--where the victims insist on devouring their own flesh and doing other forms of harm to themselves. Be thankful. Now can you help me debug this Linux problem? Or do you want to write, like COLA Linux advocate Rex Ballard, another online version of War & Peace in your next post? Problem: ethernet card being recognized...but no internet access...I am rebooting now... HOLY SHIITE! IT'S WORKING NOW! You brought me luck Aragon... Now be gone! :-) My next post will be from a Linux Firefox browser... RL
From: The Natural Philosopher on 8 Jun 2010 08:20 David Brown wrote: >> > > ADSL is not ATM based. But some ISPs still like to think of the users > as though they were dial-up, and thus use PPoE or PPoA encapsulation > over the ADSL line. It's a stupid idea that wastes bandwidth (about 10% > of the line capacity) and makes configuration and setup inconvenient, > but apparently some ISPs like it. Where possible, it is best to pick an > ISP that gives you a direct Ethernet connection - then installation > really is a no-brainer. > ADSL is ATM based in the UK, since that is the default backhaul provided by BT to all the ISP's. Well lets say it's not BASED, but the overall link to the ISP runs over native ATM as well as the last mile over its normal to use PPPoA and have what amounts to an end to end ATM connect from router/modem to the ISP. IP being layered over the top of it.
From: The Natural Philosopher on 8 Jun 2010 08:32 Aragorn wrote: > On Tuesday 08 June 2010 09:09 in comp.os.linux.setup, somebody > identifying as The Natural Philosopher wrote... > >> Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote: >>> Also note. The "Ethernet card" is a PCI card: I thought Mr. Lopez's >>> machine was a laptop? >> I think Mr Lopez machine is in fact fictional, and he's just playing >> the old 'Bullshit Baffles Brains' game. >> >> I think its a pathological condition. Ray is not the brightest bulb in >> the streetlamp, and he desperately wants to be, but if he can't, >> making fools of a lot of smarter people is at least a sop to his ego. > > The basic tenet in every Windroid troll post I've seen over the last > decade - and not in the very least during my one and a half year or so > on comp.os.linux.advocacy - is always the same. It's basically a > mental issue that these people have. > > Let me iterate some of their commonalities, shared by all Windroid > trolls - I'm not going to elaborate on MacIntosh trolls, because I've > only ever seen one of them (on comp.os.linux.advocacy) and he clearly > had a very distorted view of reality. > > But so these are my findings...: > > [1] Virtually every Windroid troll is a rightwinged nutcase who, on a > regular basis, displays severe racist comments, to varying degrees > from derogatory comments towards or about people of different > ethnicity (or nationality) to downright support for the Ku Klux > Clan. I even distinctly remember one character from my days on > comp.os.linux.advocacy - and I even remember his pseudonym - who > even went so far as to state that Afro-Americans are not human > beings but instead animals - which he referred to as "beasts". > > [2] Every Windroid troll hates GNU/Linux because it is easier to hate > an operating system they feel too stupid to be able to work with > than to hate their own stupidity. They are transforming their > frustration over being confronted with their own intellectual > shortcomings into a channeled hatred towards GNU/Linux, FOSS and > the advocates thereof. > > [3] Every Windroid troll has a large enough ego to not *want* to learn > something new when they are confronted with their own ignorance or > incompetence and to allow for the projection of this frustration > onto GNU/Linux and its advocates, as told in [2]. This is also > how they come to be racist: they value their ego more than they > value truth or respect. And this is also the very reason why they > go ad hominem all the time; they are bullies. They *enjoy* their > bullying, and they will even try to find excuses to justify that. > > [4] A troll who advocates Windows but behaves differently is almost > with certainty a paid Microsoft shill. They are far more > intelligent and have less ego issues, or at the very least none > that would be pertinent - since that is not the reason for their > trolling - and they will typically not exhibit racism. They do on > the other hand seem to have no problem with doing unethical things > for the sake of their paycheck. But then again, this is sadly > enough a quite human tendency, and while I will personally always > confront such a shill as I absolutely hate dishonesty and > manipulation, I suppose that in the long run, we can't really blame > these people for doing what they're being told and paid to do. > Such is the nature of our society, alas, and especially in these > days here it becomes harder and harder for some people to pay the > bills at the end of the month. > > [5] With the exception of a rare few - and I do mean "rare" - almost > every thread that either gets crossposted to comp.os.linux.advocacy > or branches off from an existing thread there will be a trolling > attempt. Many regular posters in the more technical groups will > filter out any such threads based upon the newsgroups included in > the header. I myself do not apply such a filter yet, because I > believe that I have enough "expertise" - let's just call it that > here, but I am by no means trying to pretend that I would even *be* > an expert - to refute the trollish claims and expose them for what > they are. After all, not everyone lurking in the technical groups > is an experienced user, both in terms of the GNU/Linux operating > system (and FOSS in general) and in terms of trolls and shills. > After all, most people do take Wikipedia very seriously, even > though - to quote something that I've read here on Usenet in > somebody's post - "if it's on Wikipedia, then it means that it's > someone's opinion". And I have already read a *lot* of > misinformation on Wikipedia, and every once in a while some > unadulterated propaganda as well, albeit that this is typically > dealed with quite rapidly by the regular Wikipedia contributors for > the subject of interest. But what I'm saying is that it's very easy > to have people take something for the truth just because it is > written on Wikipedia, or in an article such as this one, even if > only because Google archives Usenet. Stupidity is a deliberate > choice, but /naivité/ is not. Being a high-functioning autistic > person myself and personally knowing many high-functioning auties - > whether officially diagnosed as such or not - I am *very* familiar > with the subject of being "socially naive". (Note: In this matter, > autism is actually directly the opposite of schizophrenia, i.e. an > autie has difficulty ascertaining whether someone is being truthful > or not because that's not how our brain works. We deal with > information, regardless of whom that information comes from, not > with ego games. We do recognize the difference between "truth" > and "opinion", but we have problems with deliberate deceit.) > > With regard to [2] and [3], it has also come to my attention that > statistically, most of these posters are residents of the United States > of America. This does in no way mean that there wouldn't be any > Windroid trolls anywhere else - trust me, they're there and I have > already encountered them - but it's interesting nevertheless, even from > the geographical point of view, because many of them seem to originate > from the Deep South of the US, a region which is demographically quite > known to hold most of the white supremacists and conservatively > Christian and Republican population. (I hope I'm not stepping on > anybody's toes here - that is not my intention - but I'm > just "calling 'em as I see 'em", and the one character I explicitly > spoke of in [1] is a resident of the city of Atlanta in the US state of > Georgia.) > > With regard to Microsoft itself as a company and the high-ranking > Microsoft staff who make such decisions as the one where they have > their subordinates infiltrate GNU/Linux newsgroups (or those that > revolve around other non-Microsoft operating systems), there was an > interesting recent study a while ago - not necessarily pertaining to > Microsoft or any other named business - which discussed that, if a > corporation were judged upon its behavior in a court of law in the > exact same manner as a human being would be, and with the aid of a > psychiatrist to evaluate accountability, then almost invariably all > corporations across the world would qualify as psychopaths. (Note for > the uninitiated in psychiatry: A psychopath is *not* the same thing as > a serial killer, who would typically be a /sociopath/ instead. > Psychopaths /may/ however engage in murder - isolated or as a spree - > and even acts of mass murder. Most psychopaths exhibit varying degrees > of megalomania.) And well, if there is one company that would, as an > organization, perfectly match the clinical description of a psychopath, > then I think we all know what company that is. > > That all said, Ray Lopez is of course not a paid Microsoft shill. He's > far too ignorant and inexperienced for that. He's the archetypical > troll as I've described in [1] through [3], and comp.os.linux.advocacy > is swarmed with such characters, some of which may actually be the same > person posting under multiple pseudonyms - yes, that is quite common > for a number of them, and it even includes using different news > gateways and newsreaders. > > So one /could/ eventually conclude that this kind of trollery as > displayed by Ray Lopez, Hadron Quark and their ilk would be > pathological, yes. But then again, the behavior they exhibit is just a > magnification of similar behavior that is typical for nearly every > human being on this planet but simply considered "petty behavior" by > the majority, and from the pure criteria of diagnostics, something is > normally not considered to be pathological if it's representative for > more than half of the species. > > To give you an example, I am going to return to the subject of autism > (which I have already touched upon higher up) here, since I happen to > be autistic myself and up until recently - see footnote - I have been > an autism acceptance activist, so I'm quite familiar with it. Now, > recent genetic studies have prompted several researchers to theorize > that autism may actually be the next step in the evolution of the human > genome. Yet autism is still considered a "disorder", and thus > something of a pathological nature - albeit not psychiatric but rather > neurological. (I prefer the word "condition" myself over "disorder".) > > So is trolling pathological? I don't know, really. Is /bullying/ > pathological? Or is it all just the dark side of human nature being > more prominently represented in a few individuals? > > ***** > > Footnote: "Until recently", because although I still stand by everything > I have tried to advocate, there is an incredibly huge amount of > bullying towards autism acceptance advocates from the camp of > scientifically uninformed people who _believe_ - note: it is their > *belief* and not a scientifically verified hypothesis; quite the > contrary as it has already been proven false - that autism would be a > form of braindamage induced by vaccines - the MMR vaccine, to put a > finer point to it. These people actually have their facts backwards, > because it is the autism which is already present at birth - and from a > lot sooner actually, as it's genetic in nature - which triggers > inflammatory reactions to the mercury (and some other agents) in those > vaccines, due to the very nature of what autism actually is; it's a > basically a pervasive oversensitivity at the neurological level. > > And the irony here is that while most of the Windroid trolls are > rightwinged - as mentioned in [1] - the people who adhere to > the "vaccines cause autism"-myth typically come from the leftwinged > camp, while those who accept autism are actually found in the more > conservative and typically Christianity-inspired corner. > > (Note: I am not religious - spiritual yes, but any form of organized > religion is slavery and I won't be part of that - and my own political > orientation would be best described as "somewhat left of center", so > I'm definitely not a rightwinger either. Besides, as our society gets > more and more complex, both the radical leftwing and radical rightwing > respresent deprecated views. But politics is an entirely different > thing to discuss, and I've already elaborated on that way too much in > this post as it is, so those interested in debating that subject, > please tear off the raincheck coupon attached to the bottom of this > post. :pp Today it's a very sunny day on this side of the Atlantic > anyway. :p) > Nice one Aragorn. But autism isn't a disease, and its probably not even (just) a pervasive over-sensitivity, its a different ORDERING of sensory data into different CATEGORIES. Whether or not that's a functional step *forward* in evolution depends on whether it actually works. I suspect in similar vein, the NEED to interpret the world into 'smart people buy clever software designed for idiots' is likely to be a Southern thing, because there there is tremendous peer pressure to NOT be stupid, and black, To be stupid, and white, is almost inconceivable. I mean, imagine being white, and stupider than a black man? Wow. That's serious denial time.
From: The Natural Philosopher on 8 Jun 2010 08:35
RayLopez99 wrote: > On Jun 8, 1:23 pm, The Natural Philosopher <t...(a)invalid.invalid> > wrote: > >>> Your friends here are saying that this is unnecessary--just plug the >>> card in. Do you disagree? Then it shows either you are wrong or your >>> friends are wrong. >> No it shows you are dumb. >> >> If its source code there will be a make file. >> >> But you should not need source code for a standard driver. It should be >> there. >> > > You are wrong (again). Just tried it--and apparently the ethernet > card is being recognized automatically by Damn Small Linux on boot > (eth0 port). Which is in fact exactly what I said. viz. "But you should not need source code for a standard driver. It should be there." Or perhaps you are so dumb that you didn't realise that 'being recognized automatically by Damn Small Linux on boot' actually means that a driver exists already.. Trouble is, I can't seem to connect to the > internet...rebooting now... > May your DHCP leases all get foreclosed. > RL |