From: Chris H on
In message <06a9b51627kq9qu06t86irg1e19slo60tk(a)>, Jon Kirwan
<jonk(a)> writes
>On Sat, 19 Sep 2009 09:43:22 +0100, Chris H <chris(a)>
>>Besides I doubt if other customers will talk to you.
>Now that's just you being sour and grumpy.

No, I will talk to him but most developers are doing commercially
confidential stuff and time is money.

>>>I haven't used Keil for 20 years. So my early experiences will be of
>>>almost no use
>>Correct yet still you ranted about it a few months back. You were going
>>to show us all the results of your SDCC -Keil comparison tests.
>Yes, when I am ready.

:-) We did not expect you to produce any evidence.

>>> -- they have changed hands probably more than once since
>>>then and,
>>Wrong. Keil was bought by ARM. However that was just a change of
>Which matters, as experience has done little but to inform me about.
>It can be good or bad, but rarely indifferent. Of course, I have no
>idea about what the changes have and have not meant. So I'll leave
>this for you to rant about. My point was to admit my ignorance. If
>you want to roll around in that mud, have at it.

You made the point. I just clarified your FUD

>>For the 8051 (and 166) nothing else changed. As they were
>>bought by ARM the changes were to the ARM tool chain.
>People matter. Especially those near the top, whose attitudes and
>goals impact everyone all the way down to those on the phone lines.

Stop digging a hole and talk about something you have some idea about.

Though we do know that SDCC has changed the whole development team more
than once... or is that why you were trying to sling mud at Keil?

>>Keil can still support all their 8051 compilers going back 20 years. As
>>those of you here will know, at christmas 2008 they even sorted out a
>>dongle problem for a version (rebadged as Franklin) that was 18 years
>Oh, cripes. A segue back into the dongle or not-to-dongle argument.
>You and I will never agree on this point, either.

I know

> You are simply
>wrong there, too. Oh, well.

Except I proved your entire argument WRONG with a live case in this very
NG not 8 months ago.

>Someday, we should meet and have lunch.

I know who to have a s a referee.

>If we still couldn't find
>common ground or common worldviews, I'd at least be able to enjoy
>watching you simmer over old grievances still remembered too well.

No you I have a life.... Remember I do know other people who do know
you. I suggest you look in a mirror and mix with people a bit more.

\/\/\/\/\ Chris Hills Staffs England /\/\/\/\/

From: Lodewicus Maas on
In the country I'm living - PIC's are really hard-to-get ,and at a price. I
started looking at Ebay and found the cheapest option available which can
give me 32 I/O ports, and the best offers I could get was on the AT89S52,
and this is how I ended up with the ATMEL product

I definately agree with a few posts that PIC might be easier and maybe
cheaper, but like I said, I had to look at availability/price first, and now
I must move on to the next step, which is compiling the code I already
written over the past 2 months - without having any compiler or hardware. My
programmer arrived on Friday and as soon as I made up my mind on a
compiler, then I can test(compile) the code which is currently only in a
..txt file, and hope there is no compilation errors.

My AT89S52's should arrive within the next 2 weeks, and only then will I see
if the past 3 months was a total waste of time.

Thank you for all the input
Much Appreciated
Lodewicus Maas

From: Jon Kirwan on
On Sun, 20 Sep 2009 20:19:13 +0200, "Lodewicus Maas"
<wicus.maas(a)> wrote:

>In the country I'm living - PIC's are really hard-to-get ,and at a price. I
>started looking at Ebay and found the cheapest option available which can
>give me 32 I/O ports, and the best offers I could get was on the AT89S52,
>and this is how I ended up with the ATMEL product
>I definately agree with a few posts that PIC might be easier and maybe
>cheaper, but like I said, I had to look at availability/price first, and now
>I must move on to the next step, which is compiling the code I already
>written over the past 2 months - without having any compiler or hardware. My
>programmer arrived on Friday and as soon as I made up my mind on a
>compiler, then I can test(compile) the code which is currently only in a
>.txt file, and hope there is no compilation errors.
>My AT89S52's should arrive within the next 2 weeks, and only then will I see
>if the past 3 months was a total waste of time.
>Thank you for all the input
>Much Appreciated
>Lodewicus Maas

Best of luck. The AT89 is a fine chip for some uses. I'm not sure
why you haven't tried to compile the code, though. As Chris has
mentioned, there are demo versions of commercial c compilers that are
available. And besides that, there is SDCC which you could also do
some trial compilations with. I'm not sure if the Keil IDE can do
this (it may work, just fine) but Silicon Labs has an IDE as well for
their 8051 core cpus and their IDE (and SiLab's web site discusses
this in an appnote) can integrate SDCC into it, so you should be able
to run some tests that way. There are some slight differences in
syntax for ports, if I recall, but that's also documented. At least
you could have tested for compilation before receiving parts.

I am gathering now this may be a hobby project, though you still
haven't said. Best of luck, either way.

From: Jon Kirwan on
On Sun, 20 Sep 2009 16:18:42 +0100, Chris H <chris(a)>

>>Someday, we should meet and have lunch.
>I know who to have a s a referee.
>...and mix with people a bit more

Ironic, coming after suggesting you'd need a referree to meet. Still,
I'm sure you meant this last part in a positive way so I'll just say
you shouldn't worry. Just met with my Representative over lunch, a
few days ago, for example. Plenty on my plate in that regard. No pun


P.S. I'd still think it would be helpful to others if you'd expand
even slightly on your earlier comment about SDCC. I'm curious and I
did check to see what I could find about what few words you offered,
found something that seemed close, and if so it seems to be a bit out
of date.
From: Albert van der Horst on
In article <mQSsm.269458$156.79097(a)newsfe14.ams2>,
ChrisQ <blackhole(a)> wrote:


>With regard to the ide, have been using Renasas 80C87 series on a client
>project and the "High Performance Embedded Workshop" ide looks very
>similar to the Keil
>ide, as does the ide from the Embest arm development kits. Perhaps Keil
>customise the ide for many. or is the look and feel being copied and
>becoming standardised ?...

My impression is that for better or (probably) worse, everybody
is trying to please people who are accustomized to MS Visual studio.
I can't get the hang around "project's" and "debug" directories
and such, but I know where it comes from.


Groetjes Albert
Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
albert(a)spe&ar& &=n