HP 50g and SD cards On Jul 21, 7:52 am, Ingo Thies <ingo.th...(a)gmx.de> wrote: Hmm, nowadays it seems to be hard to find any card with less then 2 GB which seems to be the only non-HC size still in production. At least, smaller ones seem to be extremely rare. I am running an old 128 MB card (formerly used for a camera which n... 12 Sep 2009 03:14
graphing IFTE with ROM 2.15 In class today, I was showing a student how to graph a piece-wise function using IFTE on his 50g. It worked fine on his (rom 2.09) but kept failing on my 50g (rom 2.15). Later, I tried it EMU48 using a "new" calculator using both ROMs. The 2.09 works fine, but the 2.15 gives the error message "| Error: Bad Arg... 13 Sep 2009 22:44
SMI RAM Card Question Hi everyone, I have a question on how the HP 48GX handles RAM cards: Recently, I received a SMI 2MB RAM card with non-replaceable rechargeable battery. I've researched as much as I could about this card and know that it's rechargeable battery was only expected to last 10 years. From experience I've found that ... 6 Sep 2009 08:41
HP48GX - Reference a program in a subdirectory I would like to reference a program in a subdirectory from another program in the parent. Kind of like storing various subroutines that I can call from other programs. How is this done? I thought that it would work simply by storing the program in the subdirectory of the parent but it simply put the name of the ... 3 Sep 2009 07:39
Installation of Sparcom Celestial pack library for HP 50G Hallo, Firstly I am new to HP 50G and in this forum, so aplogize for basic questions. Primary reason why I bought HP 50G is Celestial Navigation. I want to install Sparcom Celestial pack library for HP 50G: http://www.hpcalc.org/details.php?id=7082 I have RCL ed the library to the memory stack and when I wanted t... 3 Sep 2009 07:39
SVN repository on “hpgcc.org” I've been trying to download hpgcc3-beta from the SVN repository on hpgcc.org (svn co http://hpgcc.org/svn-beta/hpgcc3-beta/trunk/hpgcc3-beta hpgcc3). The server always returns either Gateway Time-out or Service Unavailable. How can I get hpgcc3? ... 3 Sep 2009 07:39
Announce: HPGCC2/HPAPINE for OS/X > I have created an hpgcc-osx.tgz tarball similar to the Windows and Linux tarballs used in my tutorial (http://sense.net/~egan/hpgcc). Just follow the tutorial but replace hpgcc-linux with hpgcc-osx. I will have an updated tutorial soon with Vista and OS/X specific notes. Thanks indeed. TW ... 29 Nov 2008 14:33
Memory card to hp 50g The HP 50G calculator uses SD cards. Is it possible to use other types of cards? Has anyone tried to use MMC cards? Thanks. Valfisio. ... 11 Dec 2008 11:16
What SD card? I use a 2GB Sandisk card formatted FAT16 in my 50g. While I won't say there's no turn-on speed difference with and without the card, the calculator is still ready by the time my finger moves from ON to whatever I want to press next. But then the card is nowhere near full. ... 3 Dec 2008 06:59 |