From: Nju Njoroge on
Hello Mich,

The master IPIF has a slave IPIF attachment, which interacts with
master IPIF accesses. It is important to understand how it operates
because the master won't function. For instance, for a:

Master Read -- Assert IP2Bus_MstReq. You'll see that the read data
returns through the slave attachment, appearing like a write-request to
your "local target memory" (some register or BRAM inside your pcore)
with Bus2IP_WrReq going high and Bus2IP_WrCE[x] as well (if you chose
to use CEs). For proper functionality, you have to acknowledge this
slave-attachment write with a IP2Bus_WrAck. Then, you will receive
Bus2IP_MstRdAck some cycles later to confirm that your master read has
been completed by the master IPIF. At this point, you can de-assert

Master Write -- Raise IP2Bus_MstWrReq. The slave attachment will
respond saying that it is ready to "read" your write data by asserting
Bus2IP_RdReq (and Bus2IP_RdCE[x] if you have enabled CE's in IPIF).
Once you have your write data ready, you issue IP2Bus_RdAck, which
tells the slave attachment to read the data and push it to the master
IPIF. Once the master IPIF is done writing the data, you'll receive
Bus2IP_MstWrAck, at which point you can de-assert IP2Bus_MstWrReq.

Pretty confusing if you ask me...but that's what is provided....

Good luck!

Mich wrote:
> Hi
> I 'm also trying to use a master ip on the PLB bus and I also use the
> IPIF interface from the "Create Peripheral" wizard in EDK's XPS.
> Like you I have some troubels with writhing and reading (I want to
> write and read to/from a BRAM on the PLB-Bus)
> You say that the slave attachment is also used for the master
> trasaction. When I look at the timing diagram on pg 116 of the
> plb_ipif.pdf
> ( it say
> that when you read you will get a Bus2IP_WrReq is this correct, because
> you want to read and not write. Is this correct?
> I have made a small FSM to test a single read and write (at the bottom
> of the message is my VHDL-code)
> I have a state (PrepareWr_State and PrepareRd_State) to make sure all
> the addresses are correct
> I have a state (ReqWr_State and ReqRd_State) for the request =>
> IP2Bus_MstWrReq and IP2Bus_MstRdReq
> I have a state (AckWr_State and AckRd_State) for the ack that the IPIF
> can read/write from/to my ip => IP2Bus_WrAck and IP2Bus_RdAck
> I have a state (OkWr_State and OkRd_State) so I know everything went
> well
> But there must be something wrong because it doesn't work, when I want
> to write something, my FSM stays in the ReqWr_State, and when I want to
> read something it also doesn't do what it should do (or atleast what I
> think it should do)
> Can you help me please?
> Mich
> STATE_TRANSITION_LOGIC: process (ACTUAL_STATE, pushR, pushL, pushU,
> pushD, Bus2IP_MstLastAck, Bus2IP_WrReq, Bus2IP_RdReq)
> variable counter_Rd : integer range 0 to 15;
> variable counter_Wr : integer range 0 to 15;
> begin
> case ACTUAL_STATE is
> when idle =>
> if (pushR = '0') then -- pushR is active low
> NEXT_STATE <= PrepareWr_State;
> counter_Wr := 10;
> elsif (pushL = '0') then -- pushL is actief laag
> NEXT_STATE <= PrepareRd_State;
> counter_Rd := 10;
> else
> NEXT_STATE <= idle;
> end if;
> when PrepareWr_State =>
> if (counter_Wr = 0) then
> NEXT_STATE <= ReqWr_State;
> else
> NEXT_STATE <= PrepareWr_State;
> counter_Wr := counter_Wr - 1;
> end if;
> when ReqWr_State =>
> if (Bus2IP_MstLastAck = '1') then
> NEXT_STATE <= AckWr_State;
> else
> NEXT_STATE <= ReqWr_State;
> end if;
> when AckWr_State =>
> if (Bus2IP_MstLastAck = '1') then
> NEXT_STATE <= OkWr_State;
> else
> NEXT_STATE <= AckWr_State;
> end if;
> when OkWr_State => -- Writing is ok
> if (pushU = '0') then -- PusU is active Low
> NEXT_STATE <= idle;
> else
> NEXT_STATE <= OkWr_State;
> end if;
> when PrepareRd_State =>
> if (counter_Rd = 0) then
> NEXT_STATE <= ReqRd_State;
> else
> NEXT_STATE <= PrepareRd_State;
> counter_Rd := counter_Rd - 1;
> end if;
> when ReqRd_State =>
> if (Bus2IP_WrReq = '1') then
> NEXT_STATE <= AckRd_State;
> else
> NEXT_STATE <= ReqRd_State;
> end if;
> when AckRd_State =>
> if (Bus2IP_MstLastAck = '1') then
> NEXT_STATE <= OkRd_State;
> else
> NEXT_STATE <= AckRd_State;
> end if;
> when OkRd_State => -- Reading is ok
> if (pushD = '0') then -- pushD is actief laag
> NEXT_STATE <= idle;
> else
> NEXT_STATE <= OkRd_State;
> end if;
> when others => NEXT_STATE <= idle;
> end case;
> begin
> case ACTUAL_STATE is
> when idle =>
> led <= "1110";
> IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= schakelaar;
> IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
> IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
> IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
> IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';
> when PrepareWr_State =>
> led <= "0001";
> IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= D_out;
> IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
> IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
> IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
> IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';
> when ReqWr_State =>
> led <= "0010";
> IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= D_out;
> IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
> IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
> IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
> IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '1';
> when AckWr_State =>
> led <= "0011";
> IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= D_out;
> IP2Bus_RdAck <= '1';
> IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
> IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
> IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
> IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '1';
> when OkWr_State =>
> led <= "0100";
> IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= schakelaar;
> IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
> IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
> IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
> IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';
> when PrepareRd_State =>
> led <= "1000";
> IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= D_out;
> IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
> IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
> IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
> IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';
> when ReqRd_State =>
> led <= "1001";
> IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= D_out;
> IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
> IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
> IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '1';
> IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';
> when AckRd_State =>
> led <= "1010";
> IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= D_out;
> IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_WrAck <= '1';
> IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
> IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
> IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '1';
> IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';
> when OkRd_State =>
> if (D_out = Bus2IP_Data(0 to 3)) then
> led <= "1011";
> else
> led <= "1100";
> end if;
> IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= schakelaar;
> IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
> IP2Bus_MstBE <= "11111111";
> IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
> IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';
> when others =>
> led <= "1111";
> IP2Bus_Data(0 to 3) <= schakelaar;
> IP2Bus_RdAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_WrAck <= '0';
> IP2Bus_Addr <= C_Memory_Addr;
> IP2Bus_MstBE <= "00000000";
> IP2Bus_MstRdReq <= '0';
> IP2Bus_MstWrReq <= '0';
> end case;
> end process OUTPUT_LOGIC;

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