From: bigfletch8 on
On May 4, 12:23 pm, George Hammond <Nowhe...(a)> wrote:
> On Mon, 3 May 2010 02:14:03 -0700 (PDT),

Classic example of intellectual bullying.

When you thought I was a science professor, and I paid you a
compliment, you were all 'gushy'.

Now you know Im not, you become insulting.

Mistaken identity all right....your own.

Is there life after death?

If you want the correct answer, you have to ask the right question.

Does your identity live beyond the life of your physical body, is more

To ask 'is there life after death', is very childish (as is the
bullying to which I refer).

The answer to yours is obvious.

Your great grand parents are dead, and you are alive.

Try these variations, and you may possibly see what I mean.

Is there no time after time? Is there dark after light? Is there up
after down?

Life 'is' George(not was)! It doesnt have an after or a befor.

You have a body that dies in total every ten years. 90% of your
biological structure is non human in origin.By the 'time' you brain
has registered an event, it has already happened, so your senses
(including those trained in science)can only experience the
past....and yet you are known as a 'be'-ing.

The reason for your frustration, is you are blocking your own


From: nuny on
On May 4, 7:59 pm, Immortalist <reanimater_2...(a)> wrote:
> On May 3, 11:40 pm, George Hammond <Nowhe...(a)> wrote:


> If the regress of emperical justification does not terminate in basic
> emperical beliefs, then it must either:
> (1) terminate in unjustified beleifs
> (2) go on infinitely (without circularity)
> (3) circle back upon itself in some way.

The Scientific Method is said to be "recursive" because theories are
explanations of observations, which suggest new observations to make.
If those observations are as the theory suggested, the theory is
reinforced. If not, the theory is shown to be limited. In other words,
science keeps testing (justifying) its beliefs via experiment.

Science doesn't have much in the way of untestable "beliefs". It
"believes" in the universality of physical law, which observations
consistently support. It "believes" in cause-and-effect, which
observation again consistently supports.

You might say that the Scientific Method is "believed" to work, but
how would you go about falsifying it?

> You have not shown any reason to show that the microtubules do
> anything after someone dies.

Screw "sophisticated" argument, let's design an experiment to *look*
for it.

> ...are you suggesting
> that some time relativism is involved? If [so] it seems like more
> the desire for a moment to last forever?

How long does an experience take?

> Rub your hand up the side of your other arm, feel that? That part of
> what makes the self "feel like something" except there is the entire
> body in the brain feeling like something.
> Homunculus - the mapping of the body surfaces in the brain.

This isn't about the neuronal brain.

Mark L. Fergerson