From: Kimmy Boyer on
On Sat, 29 May 2010 08:51:49 -0700, Evodawg wrote:

> Had this wireless router for at least 5 years and just lately its gone down.

Sounds like my hubby.

zakAT(a) - Sergeant Tech-Com, DN38416.
Assigned to protect you. You've been targeted for denigration!
From: Evodawg on
Kimmy Boyer wrote:

> On Sat, 29 May 2010 08:51:49 -0700, Evodawg wrote:
>> Had this wireless router for at least 5 years and just lately its gone
>> down.
> Sounds like my hubby.
> <sigh>

I hope after 5 years it was good for him and you!

You can lead them to LINUX
but you can't make them THINK !
Mandriva 2010 using KDE 4.3
From: John Navas on
On Sat, 29 May 2010 19:48:16 -0700, Evodawg <richv(a)> wrote in

>Jeff Liebermann wrote:
>> On Sat, 29 May 2010 08:51:49 -0700, Evodawg <richv(a)> wrote:
>>>Had this wireless router for at least 5 years and just lately its gone
>>>down. It transmits but seems not to want to connect to Internet.
>> Never mind the wireless. What happens when you plug your computah
>> into an ethernet port? Got connectivity? Can you ping the router?
>> Can you ping the ISP gateway?
>Works fine through the DSL modem. Once the wireless is connected no
>>>Updated firmware
>>>to DD-WRT successfully.
>> What exact version of DD-WRT?
>> What hardware version of the WRT54G? (See serial number tag).
>> There are firmware versions that have problems and combinations that
>> don't work too well.
>Firmware: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (10/10/09) mini

Known bad version. Use Build 12533 instead.
See my thread "WARNING: Known bad versions of DD-WRT in the database!"

Best regards, FAQ for Wireless Internet: <>
John FAQ for Wi-Fi: <>
Wi-Fi How To: <>
Fixes to Wi-Fi Problems: <>
From: Tony Hwang on
> On 5/29/2010 10:51 AM, Evodawg wrote:
>> Had this wireless router for at least 5 years and just lately its gone
>> down.
>> It transmits but seems not to want to connect to Internet. Updated
>> firmware
>> to DD-WRT successfully. Verizon is my ISP and its setup as DCHP. Is there
>> any test I can run to verify that its broke? BTW, I did have a power
>> outage
>> a few days ago and the DSL modem went down but all it took to get it
>> up and
>> running was a reset. Also reset the router to, but still no Internet.
>> Is it
>> just time to get a new wireless router? Think I'll get the same one,(this
>> thing has been bullet proof for years and has never dropped signal)..
>> I've
>> been hearing really bad reviews on the N wireless routers unless you
>> spend
>> over $150.00.... Running Linux and Apples.
> not true you can get a good N router for around 100.00 (US) I paid about
> 100.00 for a D-Link D655. Works great.
Ditto on DIR-655. I liked it very much when I had it. Moved onto dual
bander of different brand with dd-wrt.
From: Jeff Liebermann on
On Sat, 29 May 2010 19:48:16 -0700, Evodawg <richv(a)> wrote:

>Works fine through the DSL modem.

Ok, so you have connectivity. When you switch between a direct
computer to DSL modem connection, to installing the WRT54G in between,
please power cycle the modem so that it picks up the MAC address from
the router.

>Once the wireless is connected no

Read what I wrote. Please forget about wireless for now. Do your
testing with a CAT5 cable from your computah to the router. Once
that's working, you can work on the wireless part of the puzzle.

>> What exact version of DD-WRT?

>Firmware: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (10/10/09) mini

1. Don't use mini. That's fine for an initial load, but I'm very
suspicious of the mini version, which doesn't get as much testing at
the STD version.

2. As John mentioned, there are problems with some of the
"recommended" firmware versions. What's your build number? John
recommends build 12533. I just checked a few of mine and that also
the built I'm running. Except for erratic PPTP VPN disconnects, it's
stable. Incidentally, I'm not using STD. I prefer NoKaid so that I
pickup a few KBytes more working RAM.

>WRT54G V3.1

Good hardware version. That should work fine.

>Ping dsl modem
>45 packets transmitted, 45 received, 0% packet loss, time 44980ms
>rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.727/0.753/0.868/0.038 ms
>Ping wireless router
>23 packets transmitted, 23 received, 0% packet loss, time 22421ms
>rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.751/0.851/2.282/0.308 ms
>Doesnt seem as though I'm getting a gateway.

It also doesn't seem like I'm getting through.
IP address, netmask, gateway, and DNS. You just supplied the IP
address. Go to the web page config.
Status -> WAN
You'll find the numbers at the top of the page.

>Ping IP address
>PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
>From icmp_seq=2 Redirect Host(New nexthop:
>From icmp_seq=3 Redirect Host(New nexthop:
>From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable

That's weird. I've seen that before but can't recall the cause.
According to Cisco, that's caused when:
The interface on which the packet comes into the router
is the same interface on which the packet gets routed out.
The subnet or network of the source IP address is on the same
subnet or network of the next-hop IP address of the routed packet.
and some other stuff that's specific to Cisco IOS. I would guess it's
the first, which is a wiring error. My guess(tm) is that you have
both the DSL modem and the Linux box plugged into the LAN ports on the
router. Did you or someone juggle cables just before the router

>Yes I know but think the only thing I need to reset was the bridge on the
>DSL modem.

Yep. Now, if I knew the make and model of the DSL modem, I might be
able to confirm that it's really a bridging type DSL modem, and not
the usual AT&T supplied DSL modem with a crude form of NAT that screws
everything up. I have no idea what Verizon normally provides.

>Loaded DD-WRT after the power spike.

Ok. Did you RESET the router after you loaded DD-WRT? That's an
option when you install it. I've had problems moving config files
between versions. I sometimes have to clear the router and re-renter
everything from scratch by hand (not from the previous config file).
This sucks, but that's what was necessary to make things work a few

Jeff Liebermann jeffl(a)
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558