From: AES on
In article <tom_stiller-60533D.15105315032010(a)>,
Tom Stiller <tom_stiller(a)> wrote:

> The OP is not talking about HTML, but LOGOs which get sent as
> attachments to the message. My daughter does that and I hate it.

The OP (me) asked about logos (.gif file) which are *embedded in the
message* and show as part of the message text -- not attachments
From: Peter Ceresole on
AES <siegman(a)> wrote:

> The OP (me) asked about logos (.gif file) which are *embedded in the
> message* and show as part of the message text -- not attachments

They will finish up either in the attachments folder (wherever he has
chosen to have it) or in Eudora Folder: Parts Folder. I still suspect
that they can't easily be discriminated against without serious risk of
losing something AES might want to receive.

I repeat my original suggestion; just ignore them. HDs are big enough
these days. If they really disturb you, then have an occasional
clearout. They probably always have the same name, or do a Spotlight
search on '.gif', although that could just get messy... And delete them
from time to time.
From: Tom Stiller on
In article
AES <siegman(a)> wrote:

> In article <tom_stiller-60533D.15105315032010(a)>,
> Tom Stiller <tom_stiller(a)> wrote:
> >
> > The OP is not talking about HTML, but LOGOs which get sent as
> > attachments to the message. My daughter does that and I hate it.
> >
> The OP (me) asked about logos (.gif file) which are *embedded in the
> message* and show as part of the message text -- not attachments

I don't know what *embedded* means. I frequently receive messages with
images (.gif, .jpg, .png, etc.) that are displayed inline with the text
but they *are* attachements.

Tom Stiller

PGP fingerprint = 5108 DDB2 9761 EDE5 E7E3 7BDA 71ED 6496 99C0 C7CF
From: Jolly Roger on
In article
AES <siegman(a)> wrote:

> In article <tom_stiller-60533D.15105315032010(a)>,
> Tom Stiller <tom_stiller(a)> wrote:
> > The OP is not talking about HTML, but LOGOs which get sent as
> > attachments to the message. My daughter does that and I hate it.
> The OP (me) asked about logos (.gif file) which are *embedded in the
> message* and show as part of the message text -- not attachments

If they aren't attachments, what are they? It could be they are simply
images hosted on some web server somewhere. Perhaps you should place a
sample message online so we can examine it to see exactly what you are
talking about.

Send responses to the relevant news group rather than email to me.
E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my very hungry SPAM
filter. Due to Google's refusal to prevent spammers from posting
messages through their servers, I often ignore posts from Google
Groups. Use a real news client if you want me to see your posts.

From: AES on
In article <tom_stiller-7BED54.06560216032010(a)>,
Tom Stiller <tom_stiller(a)> wrote:

> I don't know what *embedded* means. I frequently receive messages with
> images (.gif, .jpg, .png, etc.) that are displayed inline with the text
> but they *are* attachments.

Tom, at least in preparing and sending email messages in Eudora, I can
drag image and document files into the body of the email, where they
will be visible, selectable, and clearly part of the message, and I can
also drag the same images and document files into the Attachments:
header, where only the name shows in the header line.

I call the first situation "embedded", the second "attached". So far as
I know, if I do both of these with the same source file, then *two*
copies of the image or document are transmitted when I send the message.

Only certain formats can be embedded: JPEG, PDF, and GIF can be, TIFF
can't be. You can select an embedded object and delete it with the
Delete key; attachments can only be deleted by selecting them and using
the Edit >> Clear menu command (at least, so far as I know).

I can attach the same file twice in the Attachments: header. So far as
I know, two copies are then sent. (I think I can embed a file twice
also, and two cc will be sent.)