solutions book solutions for student team solutions.for.student(a) We're a team for providing solution manuals to help students in their study. We sell the books in a soft copy, PDF format. We will find any book or solution manual for you. Just email us: solutions.for.student(a) List of some ... 23 Jul 2010 18:02
137 to this makes 1/2 exact?? Re: smallest gap for 253! = 10^500?? #4.11 Correcting Math Archimedes Plutonium wrote: Archimedes Plutonium wrote: Here I am asking you a question Lwalk. Where is the factorial 1/2 the value of the exponent? Is it 249! equal to about 10^498 I think that 10^500 is closer to 252! So that my choice of the Planck Unit of largest number... 23 Jul 2010 16:56
JSH: prime gap example Prime Gap example is between the Prime Gap between the two aural devices illustrated here; ... 23 Jul 2010 16:56
Lwalk or Mr. Transfer P becoming the third human to do the only valid correct Indirect Euclid IP #4.10 Correcting Math Archimedes Plutonium wrote: Transfer Principle wrote: I notice that both JSH and AP are working on the Infinitude of Twin Primes, but via different methods. JSH is looking at congruences mod various primes, while AP is attempting to modify Euclid's proof so that it works for Twin Primes. ... 24 Jul 2010 04:48
smallest gap for 253! = 10^500?? #4.09 Correcting Math Archimedes Plutonium wrote: Here I am asking you a question Lwalk. Where is the factorial 1/2 the value of the exponent? Is it 249! equal to about 10^498 I think that 10^500 is closer to 252! So that my choice of the Planck Unit of largest number as where the StrongNuclear Force no lon... 23 Jul 2010 15:50
a nonlinear problem Given some variables a1, a2, a3... an, and some constraints based on these variables, like: a1 + a2 >0, a3 - a5 >0, a4 - a3 + a2 <0, ..... how can I find a solution for variables, that maximum the positive value of variables? I even don't know which area this topic should belong to. Please help. Thanks in adv... 23 Jul 2010 19:08
Extension of Variation vs Variation of Extension Let E be a Banach space. Let x be a countably additive E-valued measure of finite variation vx on a (semi)ring S and ex its extension to the sigma-ring R generated by S. Extend vx to a countably additive measure evx on R. Let vex denote the variation of ex. Is vex=evx? Eustachius ... 23 Jul 2010 14:44
DECLARED ASSERTION TO THE BEST MATHEMATICIAN OF CURRENT MATHEMATICS-- DR EDGAR ESCULTURA PHD, U.W MADISON ,1 and 0.999 a final resolution that about sums it "up," but it is much simpler: he does not side with Stevin on the definition of a "real number" for the number, one, using "1" instead of the real value, 1.0000.... --les ducs d'oil! ... 23 Jul 2010 13:38
A new definition of primality! In an earlier thread, I put forward a conjecture that generalized Fermat's Little Theorem. Specifically: For all N > 2, IFF gcd(s(N, N - 1) mod s(N, 1), N) = 1 then N is either a prime or a Carmichael number, where s(N, E) is the sum of powers (eg: 1^E + 2^E ... + N^E). Using a related concept, I can now make ... 28 Jul 2010 03:08
divisibility conditions for binary numbers Here is the python snippet to find the divisibility condition for any radix [not limited to binary], for any divisor and for an infinite stream of digits. Thanks, Narayana ... 24 Jul 2010 16:41 |