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e, pi and the 10th degree polynomial
Can anyone tell me why this works? I deduced it qualitatively. How can you prove it? ... 24 Jul 2010 23:06
JSH: Prime gap equation consequences
Because I have a claim of having a prime gap equation it turns out that there are a LOT of things that must follow with that claim: 1. The prime gap equation settles the twin primes conjecture. 2. The theory with the prime gap equation must handle first occurrence of gaps, like when should you first see a pri... 26 Jul 2010 07:16
An exact simplification challenge - 97 (hypergeom/EllipticF)
Hello, Mathematica: (5 Hypergeometric2F1[-1/2, 1, 1/4, -1] - 4 Hypergeometric2F1[ 1/2, 1, 1/4, -1])/ (1 + 2^(7/4) EllipticF[ArcCsc[2^(1/4)], -1]) Maple: (5*hypergeom([-1/2, 1], [1/4], -1)- 4*hypergeom([ 1/2, 1], [1/4], -1))/ (1+2*2^(3/4)*EllipticF(1/2^(1/4),I)) ? Cheers, Vlad... 24 Jul 2010 17:45
applications of several complex variables
Complex analysis, the theory of functions of one complex variable, has many applications in science and engineering. Are there practical applications of the theory of several complex variables? I did not see them mentioned at .. ... 23 Jul 2010 22:24
Quaternion to Euler Angles (for different types of Euler Angles)
Hey all, Ken Shoemake wrote a great article about how to convert rotation matrices to Euler angles, and vice versa: David Eberley has a similar article: This all works great, though I fi... 23 Jul 2010 21:19
What Is Mathematics For?
Very nice article. Lots of truth from his experiences. "Dom" <DRosa(a)> wrote in message news:be648fdf-f854-4d99-bbeb-f5f30ca1db7f(a) The truly superb article, "What Is Mathematics For?," by Underwood Dudley has been published in the May 2010 issue of the AMS Notice... 2 Aug 2010 14:46
Complete Solutions Manual and Test Bank for School Textbooks
We have the comprehensive SOLUTIONS MANUAL (answer key) and TEST BANK for the following US & International textbooks in electronic format (PDF/Word). The solutions manual are comprehensive with answers to both even & odd problems in the text. The test bank contains practice exam and quiz questions and answers. ... 23 Jul 2010 20:14
most simple statement of Riemann Hypothesis and proofs #703 Correcting Math
Archimedes Plutonium wrote: Archimedes Plutonium wrote: Archimedes Plutonium wrote: Archimedes Plutonium wrote: I am looking for the best Riemann Hypothesis equivalent statement to tie in the Indirect Euclid Infinitude of Primes proof method. By correcting that flaw of logi... 23 Jul 2010 20:14
Question about maximality principles, lattices, AC and itsequivalents
(AC): Given a non-empty family A={A_i}_(i belongs to I) of non-empty sets, there exists a choice function for A. (BPI): Given a proper ideal J of a boolean lattice B, there exists a prime ideal I of B such that I contains J. (DPI): Given a distributive lattice L, an ideal J of L and a filter G of L such that J an... 25 Jul 2010 05:29
solutions book
solutions for student team solutions.for.student(a) We're a team for providing solution manuals to help students in their study. We sell the books in a soft copy, PDF format. We will find any book or solution manual for you. Just email us: solutions.for.student(a) List of some ... 23 Jul 2010 19:08
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