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Icalab-Error using ==> cd-Help me Hi to all, I'm trying to open an image using icalab. I have saved my file .mat on desktop. First of all I open icalab toolbox, after of this I try to LOAD an image but I have this error: ??? Error using ==> cd Too many input arguments. Error in ==> E:\Documents and Settings\Fabio\Desktop\icalab2d\ICALABIPv2_... 9 Jun 2010 06:25
Needleman–Wunsch algorithm code (customized scoring matrix) Dear Lucio, I have another question to ask about affinegapmex or simplegapmex. From your example code, sent1 and sent2 are needed to be converted using uint8 function. My question is "can affinegapmex or simplegapmex deal with number greater than 127?" because the maximum value for int8 is 127. As an exmaple,... 9 Jun 2010 05:20
Load date format data from database Hi: I got a performance issue when I try to load data from a database. The column in my db looks like below: "datetime" ,"num1","num2"............"num30" and there is millions of records. When I fetch the data with database tool boxes ,the result of "datetime" column is stored in string format which co... 9 Jun 2010 06:25
How can train newrb Hi experts, I was faced the overfitting problem during training of newrb. I could find a newrb training instruction in the older post but it was not so clear for a not professional user such me. How can I overcome the overfitting in absence of showing the validation and test performance during the network training? ... 10 Jun 2010 02:22
get the data from struct i save data to workspace in simmechanics. how to pick out the data ? thanks ... 9 Jun 2010 20:55
train RFB newrb Hi experts, I was faced the overfitting problem during training of newrb. I could find a newrb training instruction in the older post but it was not so clear for a not professional user such me. How can I overcome the overfitting i absence of showing the validation and test performance during the network training? T... 10 Jun 2010 03:27
how to input data for 3-d lookup table when I use a 3-d lookup table,I failed to try many format.what 's the data format for it? ... 9 Jun 2010 10:50
in malab7(windows 7) i'm not able to save a m-file in malab7(windows 7) i'm not able to save a m-file. please find some solution!!! ... 9 Jun 2010 16:26
FREE & Just ONE Click To Obtain Success With Click2Sell. # All That Which Is Stated Here Is Completely Honest And AbsolutelyFREE # Click2Sell Affiliate Marketing Network will be a valuable support for your business and can help you to become a successful Internet marketer or to become one of the top most successful affiliates in the world. Whether you're just begi... 9 Jun 2010 04:15
calculate mean using for loop. . . . hi everyone how can i use for loop function to calculate the individual mean from the following: matric size is [756 308], the increment between two values is 54. below is the mean done without using for loop function Samp0 = mean (data(1:54,:)); Samp1 = mean (data(55:108,:)); Samp2 = mean (data(109:162,:)); ... 9 Jun 2010 15:19 |