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mexCallMatlab access violation Hi, I am learning how to use the mex functions. I have created a simple test example, which calls a m file which just times the input integer by 2. The codes are as follow: #include "fintrf.h" program testMain integer input input=1 CALL FUNC(input) end SUBROUTINE FUNC(a) ... 10 Jun 2010 00:12
2d interpolation of an image ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message <6c07c67d-9fc0-4116-8711-79a58953ce78(a)>... I can't think of anything quick without putting a lot more work into it, which I can't afford to spend. But good luck with it. I am still working on this problem and i have another... 8 Jun 2010 18:20
Using Movie with Subplot Hello, I'm trying to make a movie from my 2x2 subplot. When I play the movie, it only shows the last (bottom) 2 of the 4 plots of the subplot. Any ideas why it isn't showing the top two? for t = 1:39 scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize'); fh = figure('Position',[4 scrsz(4)/1.5 scrsz(3)/1.5 scrsz(4)/1.5]); ... 8 Jun 2010 18:20
Have fminunc show the gradient? Hi! Thanks for the help, it was very useful! I have a related question: Is it possible to save the gradient so that I can see it in the workspace, rather than just display it for each iteration? I defined it as an output of outfun by: function [stop,Y] = outfun(x, optimValues, state) stop=false; switch sta... 8 Jun 2010 18:20
Setting ROIPosition in command window I am using 2009a. Since the Image Acquisition tool will only display one camera at a time I need to write a script and run it from the command window. I can acquire the entire image (RGB24_1600x1200) but when I measure of offset between the cameras (center camera 1 to center camera 2) I only need the center portion (... 8 Jun 2010 18:20
Image processing - Seeded Region Growing Dear techies, Good Evening.I am acquainting the segmentation of images in 16 bit greyscale image processing. I tried to follow up few threads related to segmentation particularly the Seeded region growing.As i read the papers it sounds very effective. I want to implement the code for my thesis.It would be grea... 8 Jun 2010 19:29
plotting three dimensional array Hello, I have a three dimensional array, tried plot3(matrix) but gives the following error. ?? Error using ==> plot3 Data may not have more than 2 dimensions Is there a way to plot three dimensional array(matrix). thanks ... 8 Jun 2010 19:30
multi-page tiff image information Hello, When I look at a multi-page tiff image using ImageJ, on top of the image, it shows, for example: 12/100 (name12.tiff); 256x256 pixels; 8-bit; 3MB This "name12.tiff" corresponding to the 12th image of the tiff file, which changes as I check other images in the stack, for example: 20/100 (name20.tiff); 256x2... 14 Jun 2010 10:38
??? Error using ==> vertcat CAT arguments dimensions are notconsistent. roy michaeli wrote: ??? Error using ==> vertcat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent. Error in ==> reaction at 14 rs=[j1 j2 ; 1 1] \[t1 ; t2] size(j1) size(j2) size(t1) size(t2) ?? ... 8 Jun 2010 16:01
symbolic toolbox and differentiate Hi everybody, can you help me to write MATLAB symbolic commands to calculate this differentiate problem? AA[i,j] is my favorite answer: (this is a pseudo code) ******************************************** q[i, j] := exp((a[i]-a[j])^2)/(symsum ( symsum((a[i]-a[j])^2, j ,k,n), i ,k,n)) k[i , j] := symsum( sym... 8 Jun 2010 16:01 |