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Hello I would be very gratefull if someone could help me solve the following problem: How to compare the speed of convergence of two development pi series in Matlab ? (if possible with a concrete example) Thank you all. Yours sincerely, Edgar ... 9 Jun 2010 15:19
Requring matlab code to study mobility model
Hi, Dear friend. I have the same problem with you! Have you found any matlab code to start with the random waypoint mobility model?> Wish some guy give me some help! ... 9 Jun 2010 13:05
How to normalize an image to zero mean and unit variance
"Rob Gens" <rcg(a)> wrote in message <grfata$97m$1(a)>... NormalizedArray = (TheArray-mean(TheArray(:))) ./ var(TheArray(:)); To normalize to 0 mean, subtract off the mean. To normalize to unit variance, divide by the variance. The variance is independent of the mean, so t... 9 Jun 2010 13:04
Requring matlab code to study mobility model
Hi, Dear friend. I have the same problem with you! Have you found any matlab code to start with the random waypoint mobility model?> Wish some guy give me some help! ... 9 Jun 2010 11:57
Matlab - fscanf
Hi All, I came across the following line: Line = fscanf(fid,'%[^\n]',1); Can anybody please explain what does "%[^\n]" stand for? In the documentation. I find that we can create our custom formats. But it does not give details. Thanks a lot in advance, With warm regards, Saurav ... 9 Jun 2010 13:05
Need help with optimization
Hello, I am working on a script to perform quantum process tomography on three qubits. There is a bottleneck in my computation that I don't know how to get around. Here's the setup: I have an orthonormal basis, called E, for the set of 8x8 matrices, just indexed as E{1}, ..., E{64}. I need to compute the 4-dim... 9 Jun 2010 13:05
how to disable automatic call of bench function during a run
Hi, My Matlab 2009b has a setting which calls the bench function during a longer matlab run or whenever i open/close and excel file through Matlab ( i have to open more than 100 files) . Technically, for approx each file opened there are 5 windows which pop-up with the outputs from the bench function and i end up ... 9 Jun 2010 11:57
standalone created with rtw from simulink crashes
Dear all, I am having some troubles with a standalone created with rtw from a simulink model, which crashes when executed (window pops up, saying this .exe stopped working). The simulink model consists of some embedded matlab function blocks. I could narrow down the line which makes troubles (see below). However, if... 10 Jun 2010 13:23
Too many input arguments
Hi to all, I have tried to open an image using icalab. I have saved my file .mat(contents a series of images) on desktop. First of all I open icalab toolbox(in this phase I haven't any problem), after I tried to LOAD an image but in command window I have following error: ??? Error using ==> cd Too many input arg... 22 Jun 2010 13:48
Deconvolution following fft
Hi, I have a signal in the time domain which I have Fourier transformed to the frequency domain using the standard fft. The signal is not quite what I was expecting: I believe this is because by using the fft I have multiplied my signal in the time domain by a top hat (unit box or rectangular function if you prefer)... 9 Jun 2010 10:50
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