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Creating objects iteratively Hi. To run my program, I need to create objects iteratively... This is what I have done: for i=1:100 r(i)=RSpectrum(...) end where "RSpectrum" is the class used to build each r object and "..." are the required inputs. However, I do not know how I can allocate memory for r. Can anyone help me out? Many... 15 Jun 2010 14:16
XlimMode = 'manual' overridden by subsequent plot? Hi I want a figure window with x and y axes for a line plot. The X-axis limits should stay unchanged but be able to plot lines within the limits. I do not want prior plots to stay on the screen ("hold on" is not correct). I run this code: figure(1) set(gca, 'XlimMode', 'manual') xlim([-5,5]) get... 15 Jun 2010 13:09
All matrices on a row in the bracketed expression must have the same number of rows. function [w, m]=fm(a,z) % fm programa funkcijos m, w reiksmems apskaiciuoti % a - konstanta % z - funkcijos argumentas, vektoriaus eilute % w - funkcijos w reiksmes, vektoriaus eilute % m - funkcijos m reiksmes, vektoriaus eilute %--------------------------------------------------------------- [m,n]=size (z); f... 15 Jun 2010 12:01
Copying data from 1 excel file into another Hi, I am quite new to MATLAB and wish to do the following: (I have searched for previous posts on this topic, but could find nothing that answers my questions) I wish to write a script that will do the following, please could someone tell me how? I have a directory that contains ten .xls files... I want to co... 15 Jun 2010 12:01
finding complex root from nonlinear equations "Steven Lord" <slord(a)> wrote in message <gjs0cb$e03$1(a)>... Splitting it up isn't that difficult a problem. x = fsolve(@myfunction7, [1; 1]); complexSolution = complex(x(1:2:end), x(2:2:end)) where myfunction7 is: function y = myfunction7(x) co... 15 Jun 2010 12:01
Matlab controls excel Hello, I fond some information on how Matlab controls excel. for filling cells I found this % Put a MATLAB array into Excel A = [1 2; 3 4]; ActivesheetRange = get(Activesheet,'Range','A1:B2'); set(ActivesheetRange, 'Value', A); I was wondering if the cells command could be used like this A = [1 2; 3 ... 15 Jun 2010 14:16
Accelerate MATLAB with QLA 1.0 The beta version seemed to draw a lot of interest, so I figured I'd let you all know - Version 1.0 of QLA: The Quick Linear Algebra Library is released. Thanks to all who worked with us on the beta version. QLA accelerates key MATLAB functions by as much as 10x to 1,000x, using only your regular CPU. It includes ... 15 Jun 2010 12:01
Q: How to make char-array to index into containers.Map? Dear All, I have implemented a look-up table using "containers.Map". I need to index into this Map with 40-by-1 vectors of type "uint32" or "double". I am doing this vectorised so my indices come as matrices like "idxvec", a 40-by-n matrix of n indices. What I did: Since Map only supports scalar-types or char ar... 16 Jun 2010 09:55
ftp proxy server Hi! Having a little trouble using function 'ftp'. My proxy infos are ok (preferences>web). But I still get the following error : tmw=ftp('') ??? Error using ==> connect at 19 Could not open a connection to "", port "21". Error in ==> ftp.ftp at 73 connect(h) However, a... 15 Jun 2010 10:54
overlay lines on surface plot I'm having trouble overlaying some other lines on a surface plot. The lines are black, and the surface plot has various colors (hsv). The black lines overlay well on most of the colors but get totally washed out on the red colors. It's also a problem with the text that I add to the plot. The text also doesn't show up o... 15 Jun 2010 17:37 |