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How to color specific markers with different color? Hi all! My question is simple: how can I color specific markers with different color than the other ones? Thank you, Aino ... 29 Jun 2010 18:30
convolution with restriction I was wondering if there was a *fast* (N log N) way to perform convolution, with restriction. By this I mean, suppose I want to compute \sum_j u(j) v(k - j +1) restricted to a subset of the j's. ... 16 Jun 2010 17:42
MATLAB FFT and IFFT Hi experts, I am using matlab to do the FFT convolution which take the fft of the signal and filter, multiply them in frequency domain. There is a problem. the ifft gives me complex numbers which is weird. since I multiplied the fft of the input signal with a filter kernel which is after fft. both data after fft are... 18 Jun 2010 12:25
2 basic questions : 'lock' and 'median' hi, sorry for posting such basic questions, here we go : 1. some of my m files / folders show a small lock attached to the matlab icon, and do not appear when I search them in a window explorer window. how can I change this property? 2. I'd like to calculate the median of a vector, excluding all the 0 in the vec... 16 Jun 2010 05:35
interrupting a running script Can someone suggest how to abort/suspend a running Matlab script by a keypress(for example - a for abort / s for suspend)? Thank you for the help. ... 15 Jun 2010 16:31
uitable question... It's my first foray into UI programming in matlab so undoubtably I'm doing something stupid, but I don't see it... I have a uitable in which the first column is X, the second column is a validity flag and the next column is Y. I have the following in the setup part of the code. set(handles.edTable,'c... 16 Jun 2010 16:35
matlab program to find coordinate of sphere in a cube Hey hi everyone I am new to Matlab and wanna write a code to find the coordinate x,y,z which can be used as a centre of 8 sphere of radius r=.015 which must lie inside a cube of .09*.09*.09.The spheres must not touch each other and should not touch the boundary so i calculate the distance between them and compared it ... 15 Jun 2010 15:23
Modeling a Radar System Hi Does anyone know where I can obtain the .mdl files for Mike Donovan's video on Modeling a Radar System: Kind Regards Amir ... 15 Jun 2010 14:16
Modeling a Radar System Hi Does anyone know where I can find .mdl files from Steve Donovan's video Modeling a Radar System? Regards Amir ... 15 Jun 2010 14:16
faster way to add certain elements ? Hello, I have the array: A=[1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9] And I want to produce the array: B=[1+4+7; 1+4+7; 1+4+7; 2+5+8 ; 2+5+8 ; 2+5+8 ; 3+6+9 ; 3+6+9 ; 3+6+9 ] I've tried the following methods, but th... 16 Jun 2010 14:22 |