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MatLab Busy - for loop Hi, I have two excel data sets of 12013 numbers each. One is maximum sediment diameter, and the second is mean sediment diameter. I have code that calculates the critical shear stress. I am trying to do this for each of the 12013 samples. What I have done so far is use xlsread to import the data into matlab, max a... 15 Jun 2010 15:23
sigTOOL Loading a mat or xls file requires prior knowledge of the contents. What does variable "A" contain? Ehich column of a spreadsheet has waveform data etc? You would need to write a custom installer then save it as a kcl file (which is a -v6 mat file itself). Regards ML ... 17 Jun 2010 11:09
tex syntax Hi, I am trying to put a tilde (~) over a character in a text string (with tex interpretation), but can't make it work (i try "\tilder" - to put a tilde over the character 'r'). What syntax exactly should I use? Thank you, asaf ... 16 Jun 2010 11:02
Surf Vs Image That worked for me as well. Thank you! "Richard Lang" <rlang(a)> wrote in message <9oprga$qe7$1(a)>... It could be an OpenGL driver implementation issue - I don't see any such artifacts here using a Matrox G400 video card. Try issuing the command: set(gcf,'renderer','zbuffe... 15 Jun 2010 13:09
Discrete-time, second-order section, direct-form II filter, using 16 bits integer data type Hello, Using filterbuilder, I've designed a filter as follows: Fpass = 0.45; % Passband Frequency Fstop = 0.55; % Stopband Frequency Apass = 1; % Passband Ripple (dB) Astop = 60; % Stopband Attenuation (dB) h = fdesign.lowpass('fp,fst,ap,ast', Fpass, Fstop, Apass, Astop); Hd = design(h, 'butter', 'Mat... 15 Jun 2010 13:09
Returning variables from GUI to .m file script. Gerbil Gerbil <gerbilgerbilgerbil(a)> wrote in message <09c3427d-2f53-4b7e-953c-d36950f7dfa4(a)>... Hi Everyone, I've been tinkering with this for the past few days and not getting anywhere. Since posting, I've spent a lot of time trying to update my GUIDE GUI with uiwai... 15 Jun 2010 13:09
Accessing Metastock database from ML Hi Brad, Were you able to read Metastock data formats into Matlab - I was considering doing the same using Norgate's data service. Thanks Richard ... 8 Jul 2010 04:48
problem to use lp_solve from matlab? I want to run lp_solve to solve MIP.I dowmload the file lp_solve_5.5.0.15_MATLAB_exe_win32, and rename it as lp_solve, put this file in the MATLAB7.0/toolbox. Then I put mxlpsolve.dll in my system file. However, when I enter mxlpsolve in the MATLAB command window,I get the following message:"mxlpsolve driver not fo... 15 Jun 2010 12:01
borders Hi, Does anyone know how to calculate the borders? For instance if I use the example from meshgrid from the matlab helpfile: [x,y]=meshgrid(1:15,1:15); tri = delaunay(x,y); z = peaks(15); trisurf(tri,x,y,z) Now I want to calculate the border from different selected slices in the 3d volume. In ot... 15 Jun 2010 12:01
Analysis of data set - autocorrelation Hi Everyone, I am analyzing several sets of force data vs. time. I want to segment the data whenever there is an impulse of force. The shape of the force impulse looks very similar in shape each time. I was wondering if there is a function in matlab that will find similar events as they occur and return the posi... 15 Jun 2010 16:31 |