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About volume data in isosurface function
Hi, I just wanted to point out that MATLAB isosurface function has a lot of problems for complex data. I have created a program that renders exact error-free surfaces from 3-D voxel data, such as from MRI, CT Scan. The following is the link to the discussion thread 17 Jun 2010 02:27
Medical 3D Visualization - removing part of brain
Hi, I just wanted to point out that MATLAB isosurface function has a lot of problems for complex data. I have created a program that renders exact error-free surfaces from 3-D voxel data, such as from MRI, CT Scan. The following is the link to the discussion thread 17 Jun 2010 02:27
Graphing 3D shape
Hi, I just wanted to point out that MATLAB isosurface function has a lot of problems for complex data. I have created a program that renders exact error-free surfaces from 3-D voxel data, such as from MRI, CT Scan. The following is the link to the discussion thread 17 Jun 2010 01:23
volume mesh from a surface mesh or from vertices of surface
Hi, I just wanted to point out that MATLAB isosurface function has a lot of problems for complex data. I have created a program that renders exact error-free surfaces from 3-D voxel data, such as from MRI, CT Scan. The following is the link to the discussion thread 17 Jun 2010 01:23
Hi, I just wanted to point out that MATLAB isosurface function has a lot of problems for complex data. I have created a program that renders exact error-free surfaces from 3-D voxel data, such as from MRI, CT Scan. The following is the link to the discussion thread 17 Jun 2010 01:23
Hi, I just wanted to point out that MATLAB isosurface function has a lot of problems for complex data. I have created a program that renders exact (without smoothing) error-free surfaces from 3-D voxel data, such as from MRI, CT Scan. The following is the link to the discussion thread http://www.mathworks.... 17 Jun 2010 01:23
visualization of a 3D matrix
Hi, I just wanted to point out that MATLAB isosurface function has a lot of problems for complex data. I have created a program that renders exact error-free surfaces from 3-D voxel data, such as from MRI, CT Scan. The following is the link to the discussion thread 17 Jun 2010 01:23
the result save into txt file by certain format
for r= 0:radius for rad = 0: (pi/180): (2*pi) %the coordiante from whole image x=xcentre+(r*cos(rad)); y=ycentre+(r*sin(rad)); %the coordiante from centre of the circle px = x-xcentre; py = y-ycentre; %distance of px and py dx = abs(x-xcentre); ... 17 Jun 2010 01:23
Regarding the continuous process of getting an image from webcam and then processing it by identifying the two points in an image, and then finding the distance between the two black points!
Hi. I was wondering, is it possible to write all the required codes in a .m file in Matlab, which will then become an automatic process for acquiring different images, and then processing it, or do i have to enter a given code everytime to execute the results. Can't this process be automated? Please help me on this ... 18 Jun 2010 10:12
how to use princomp function
Hi all, I want to reduce dimensions of the data, therefore I need to use princomp function in MATLAB. Can I use (1x39) matrix as input to princomp function? When I use it I can get (39x39) matrix which comprises of 0 and 1. Can you please help me? Thank you ... 13 Jul 2010 10:52
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