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Project Satellite
Hello, i am new using matlab and i need help step by step if someone could help me... I have a .wav file in which has been saved data of the satellite, data about the weather (the final challnege of the project is to represent the data in a map). This wav file needs to be demodulated first in fm and after in am (thes... 17 Jun 2010 12:17
export from wave_clus
How would you export timestamps of sorted spikes from wave_clus? Thank you ... 19 Jun 2010 01:35
Demodulation FM
Hi I have a file .wav and i need to demodulate it in FM, where can i find a model of demodulation FM? thank you very much ... 17 Jun 2010 12:17
bar3: label each bar with z-value?
Is it possible to label each bar with its z-value (written at the top of the bar for example)? Thanks. ... 17 Jun 2010 18:59
Daq toolbox : real time analysis with overlap.
Hi all, I've created a simulink model able to acquire real time sounds with an important overlap and -also in real time- able to do different operations and everything is working fine ! What I'm looking for is to create the same function but in MatLab. I have some problems because of the real time buffering... 17 Jun 2010 11:09
3d scatter plot of a color image?
Hello, Can anyone give me a suggestion how to scatter plot a color image in 3d (three color channels), my idea is to try to show the natural correlation between the color channels and later draw the plane that points through the direction of maximum variance (eigenvector corresponding to the highest eigenvalue a... 17 Jun 2010 11:09
Daq toolbox : analyse temps réel avec recouvrement.
Bonjour à tous, J'ai créé un model simulink qui permet l'acquisition de ma carte son en temps réel avec un recouvrement important et une analyse -également en temps réel- est effectuer et tout ça marche parfaitement bien ! Je cherche de l'aide car je tente d'appliquer ce fonctionnement sous matlab et me ret... 12 Jul 2010 10:41
Hi I have a GUI which is sucessfully compiled and deployed to computers which have only the Matlab runtime component installed. The tool works. However, there is one button which when clicked upon opens an microsoft excel workbook with data. I used the function winopen. When I run the GUI in MATLAB itself the but... 18 Jun 2010 03:42
Is there an matlab plugin for eclipse ?
Hi, We are planning to use Matlab's Java Builder capability to streamline algorithm development, but we are currently limited to editing/building from the Matlab IDE. Most of our application framework is the Eclipse Rich Client Platform and are therefore heavily utilizing Eclipse for development. Would be nice to ke... 17 Jun 2010 10:02
live video preview?!
hi everone, I'm working on a project and i was woundering if anyone could help me with my problem. I'm using matlab r2009a where i filter a live video and display it real time with the original video "so i have two preview windows" one that previows the real live video and the other that previews the filtered one. W... 17 Jun 2010 10:02
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