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Bode change history
Dear all, I have written and used the following code under MATLAB ver 7.3 without any problem; Numerator = ones(1,24); Denominator = zeros(1,24); Denominator(1,1) =24; Averager_TF_z = tf([Numerator],[Denominator],1/6000); bode(Averager_TF_z) The code just generates the bode responses for a simple 24 point... 17 Jun 2010 10:02
output function of optimization toolbox, realtime update?
Hei there, i have a small problem with my fitting program, i want to have a real time output of the current iteration and optimization values in a text box, but the program only updates the text of the textbox at the end of the fitting... the used code: set(handles.out_txt, 'String', ''); function sto... 17 Jun 2010 11:09
Loading a .fid file into Matlab?
Hi, I am trying to write a program for MRI image reconstruction in Matlab at the moment and would like to load the raw k-space data into Matlab. The data is from a Bruker BioSpin machine with file extention .fid, is there any way of loading it directly into Matlab or do I need to find some way to convert it into an AS... 17 Jun 2010 10:02
stuck in looping
I am unable to find out the flaw in my code (Ref.End point detection algo flowchart., pg-7,Rabiner &amp_ Sambur-Algo for endpoint detection of isolated utterances.pdf-Available at I am a new user..please help? code:- while (E(m)<E_tl) m=m-1; if(E... 17 Jun 2010 16:45
how stering Repeating Sequence
Hi all I need to have possibility to stering a Repeating Sequence. In my simulation output from one block have value, eg k and now i need to have i nparameters of Repeating Sequence /time values/ [0 k] we are in the same simulation. Repeating Sequence block don't have any inputs, export variable k to worksp... 17 Jun 2010 08:56
eval in combination with cat
Hello, I want to use the eval command to concatenate vectors which are created with a loop. Here is the code: for a=79:79 %year for b=1:12 %month [Mod_precip_hourly]=RealTS_fu('Z:\','MMSFC_dewAc.',a,b,a,b,1,63,2) eval(sprintf('m%d = [Mod_precip_hourly]', b)); end end This... 17 Jun 2010 08:56
BLDC Delta connected motor simulink model
i am working on BLDC delta connected motor but matlab simulink simpower tool is configured for start connected motor only. I tried to simulate the model for BLDC Delta connected; i haven't got not enough support and proper result. If any one already modeled BLDC Delta connected simulink model or similar issue are welco... 18 Jun 2010 06:57
DOF reduction in differential equation system
Does enybody know how to model a system of differential equations in which during operation comes to reduction of DOFs (two bodies with different initial velocityes begin after a time to move together as one with the same velocity and acceleration)? Thanks to all! Best regards, Tomaz ... 17 Jun 2010 08:56
memory usage of matlab builder NE
Hi, I wanted to write a MATLAb file which I included in a C# Gui. However I have problems running out of memory, after building the Matlab Project with Builder NE. When I run it inside Matlab, I don't experience the same problems. After having it build, and changing the memory usage, I saw that the .dll I made o... 18 Jun 2010 17:58
creating a structure in a mexFunction
I want to create a complex structure in a mexFunction that will be passed back into Matlab. The desired structure in CPP is: typedef struct { int num_elements; double array1[max_num]; double array2[max_num]; int array3[max_num]; } profile1_type; typedef struct { int num_elements; double... 17 Jun 2010 15:38
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