Read xlsx file to matlab
"Eric " <tanzhao.eric(a)> wrote in message <hf6ktm$23p$1(a)>... Hello I was trying to import a xlsx file to matlab but did not have luck. My data is like -80.669210 28.141130 -81.772990 29.185000 -82.286840 29.684610 -82.163400 29.222970 -81.357740 30.161860 ... 2 Dec 2009 22:19
methods used with multiple subsassign(ments)
What does happen when I execute the following statement: [ Obj([1 2 5].fn] = deal( 10, 20 30) Obj is an object array I have constructed, fn a property. I have written a subsassign method, but running through it with the debugger, I can't figure out how to make it work with a statement such as the one above . F... 2 Dec 2009 21:11
"Continuous sample time not allowed for input port of cosim block" error
This massage show up every time I try to run simulation: "Continuous sample time not allowed for input port 4 of cosim block." I use co-simulation with ModelSim from Simulink. Does someone know how to solve this problem? ... 2 Dec 2009 21:11
Gevp Problem
How can I get the minimum scalar value of r, subject to the constraints [ A'*P + PA - XBB'P-PBB'X +XBB'X - r*P, (B'P +FC)'; B'P +FC) , - I ] <0; P>0; with A, B, C given matrices, and P, F matrix variables. Thanks in advance. ... 2 Dec 2009 20:04
filled stairs function
Hi, I have to plot, given a vector, its filled stair function (like the built-in stairs function, but solid). for instance, given the vector A=[1 2 3], I want to plot 3 adjacent solid rectangles each one with its height. I tried to put the stairs function into the fill function but it doesnt work. Thanks a lot... 2 Dec 2009 21:11
output from function
I wrote the following matlab code : function [w] = SOR( A, b, x) %UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here error=1; while error <= 10^-8; w(1,1)=x(1,1)+1.6399/A(1,1)*(b(1,1)-A(1,1)*x(1,1)-A(1,2)*x(1,2)-A(1,3)*x(1,3)); for i=2:8; w(1,i)=x(1,i)... 2 Dec 2009 21:11
Enum type inside a class (matlab <-> java interface)
Hello, Let's say I want to define this in java : package internet; public class Downloader { public enum DownloadStatus { INITIALIZING, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETE }; } How do I access the enum from matlab. It seems that it works if the enum is defined outside of any class (says Andrew here : http://stackov... 3 Dec 2009 02:41
Visa / Instrument control toolbox.
Hi, I wonder if somebody may be able to help. I am trying to use the instrument control toolbox to remotely access a spectrum analyzer using a the 'visa' command. I have installed the NI VISA drivers and am able to use their configuration tool to communicate with the Spec An. However, when I try to use the co... 2 Dec 2009 13:14
Is there a Matlab derivative calculator like Wolfram?
Hello, I have a long equation with constants and one parameter. I need to find the equation afer derivative with respect to the parameter. Wolfram provides online tool that can give you the expression after derivative. Does Matlab have something similar (toolbox, GUI or anything posted in the Matlab central)? Tha... 2 Dec 2009 13:14
Database fastinsert slow
I am trying to insert big chunks of data, and I see that the fastinsert is really slow. Even now I received this message: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at<init>(Unknown Source) at<init>(Unknown Source) at<init>(Unknown Source) ... 18 Dec 2009 13:52