Read/Load/Save in another directory?
I am trying to read a folder in another directory. In this case, it is just in a subfolder of the directory I am working in. Here is my working code. I am reading a file at every time step. datafilename = ['TestRead' num2str(timestep) '.dat']; soln = load (datafilename) %Load the data file base... 9 Dec 2009 01:13
xPC Target DMM-32DX-AT A/D Driver problem.
I have a PC104 stack setup with a DMM-32DX-AT I/O card. I have a DOSloader setup with xPC Target version 4.2. As an initial test, i setup the 4 analog outputs on this card to provide constant output voltages 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. That seems to work fine. I checked the voltages on a scope and verified. Then i wir... 21 Dec 2009 11:15
prob with integration
i want to integrate a function which is y=(1/10^(-8)).*(sinc(w*10^(-8)/2).*(exp(-w*10^(-8)/2).*exp(j*w*t))); i am using the code I1=[]; t1=[eps:1e-9:1e-6]; for t=eps:1e-9:1e-6 I=quadv(@(w)abc2(w,t),eps,1e9); end plot(t1,I1) but its not working and showing error what could be the error? ... 9 Dec 2009 11:01
Hello I am working on two class problem. I need to plot receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curve using [x y]=perfcurve(labels, scores, posclass). classification using nearest mean classifier. for each test signal I have two distances (distance from both means), i can get the decision based on distance. Bu... 9 Dec 2009 17:45
mat lab
please can any one post the matlab script for convolutional encoder ... 8 Dec 2009 17:32
3D Matrix Multiplication
Hello, I've been trying to perform a 3D matrix multiplication and have not been successful. My two matrices are of size m x n x p and I want to be able to carry out A*B in 3 dimensions. I've spent a few hours on the boards here searching for some help but have failed to find anything, so your help will be greatly ... 8 Dec 2009 16:24
z-transform,step function
Hello everyone, Suppose I have the numerator and denominator coefficients of the transfer function H(z)=Y(z)/X(z).Using which MATLAB can I get the poles and zeros of this transfer fn? Also,How can I plot the step function in MATLAB? Thirdly,if I want to implement an eqn of the form (sin(n*pi*cutoff1)-sin(n*... 8 Dec 2009 15:16
Hi, I was wondering about the FTDNN guide example, load laser y = y(1:600)'; [y,ys] = mapminmax(y); y = con2seq(y); ftdnn_net = newfftd([-1 1],[1:8],[5 1],{'tansig' 'purelin'}); = 10; ftdnn_net.trainParam.epochs = 50; p = y(9:end); t = y(9:end); for k=1:8, Pi{1,k}=y{k}; end [... 8 Dec 2009 13:02
Hi, I was wondering about the FTDNN guide example, load laser y = y(1:600)'; [y,ys] = mapminmax(y); y = con2seq(y); ftdnn_net = newfftd([-1 1],[1:8],[5 1],{'tansig' 'purelin'}); = 10; ftdnn_net.trainParam.epochs = 50; p = y(9:end); t = y(9:end); for k=1:8, Pi{1,k}=y{k}; end [... 8 Dec 2009 13:02
fft and lpc
suppose I have a dark image A (hxw pixels) which contains bright vertical lines. It's projection y <y=mean(A,1)-mean(A(:)); seems to be a periodic signal. apply a hamming window (explained later) < y = y.*(hamming(size(y,2))'; Getting its spectrum <F =abs(fft(y)); I found the first lobe at position (frequency)... 8 Dec 2009 11:54