general problem with saving vectorized figures
several in my lab have uncovered this issue, with no efficient solution yet. when plotting, for example, a mean signal with some standard error at each time point, we frequently plot the vector of the signal, and a filled but somewhat transparent view of the standard error. for example, for y vs x: plot(x,meany) ... 26 Nov 2009 16:28
How to play .avi in gui axes?
I was playing around with GUIs, and I am stumped on something. I have a .avi file and wanted to play it in an axes in my GUI, how could I go about this with a loop? I have read up on the funcitons like movie(m) and getframe, but this has only confused me more. Any help is appreciated. ... 24 Nov 2009 21:14
kstest2 p-value
Hello, I am using kstest2 to compare expected and observed distribution for 2 different samples. For sample1, these are 10 expected and observed values: exp1 = [52091;52183;51507;50879;50765;49574;49197;48476;47754;48004]; obs1 = [2;6;35;22;19;4;2;2;0;0]; For sample2, these are 10 expected and observed va... 25 Nov 2009 14:55
Simulink + embedded matlab function + matrix indexing
Hi, I'm trying to use an embedded matlab function. In the embedded matlab function, I index matrix 'a' with 5 rows and 1 column as: a=zeros(5,1); However, when I output the matrix to the workspace as an array, the dimensions of the matrix are 5 x 1 x k, where k seems to correspond with the dimension of a differ... 24 Nov 2009 16:45
Hair detection
Hello! I have a problem with my project. Title is hair segmentation / detection. I don't know how to start doing it, seperate hair from picture (portreit ) with filters, so that at the end I can chance hair color. I would really appreciate your suggestions, support, sample or code. ... 14 Dec 2009 05:31
Position, TightInset and OuterPosition in a subplot
I would like to do a plot with a lot of images close to each other. For the moment I use a simple loop like that with imshow() : for w=1:10 subplot(m,n,w); imshow(im, 'Border', 'tight'); end Each image is very very small, with a lot of space left for the text (if there is some, I can see tha... 24 Nov 2009 12:14
build GUI to exe
Using Windows Vista Home premium SP1 and matlab R2009b. I'm using the default LCC to compile. The files are as simple as A.fig and A.m. I type command "deploytool", and added A.m, then click "build". After compilation, I double click the exe file in the "distrib" folder. Here is the error: ********************Unab... 24 Nov 2009 12:14
Representing nonlinear state space systems in Simulink
How could I represent the following system in Matlab? x' = -[x2; (1+u1)(x1-u2); x4; 2x5 - 2(1+u1)x3; -(1+u1)x4] y = [x1; x3] ... 24 Nov 2009 12:14
implement filtfilt as transfer function in C++
I have a butterworth low pass filter of order 5, I am using "filtfilt" function to reduce the startup transient. it is working perfectly well. now I need to derive the transfer function for this implementation of this butterworth filter to integrrate the filter in C++ application. is it simlpy the (H(z)*H(1/z)) 10th or... 25 Nov 2009 13:47
how can I save optimal parameters during the iterations?
I have noticed that after some iteration (sometimes second, sometimes fifth) fmincon finds parameters that give minimal objective function. But when the iterations are finished i.e. fmincon is finished with exit flag Maximum number of iterations exceeded; increase OPTIONS.MaxIter.<< or Maximum number of func... 26 Nov 2009 04:16