How to change C in "svmtrain"
parameter C (relative importance of error penalization) is the same as boxconstraint (Bishop, C.M. "Pattern recognition and Machine learning", look up 'boxconstraints' in the index). In fact, the boxconstraint option in svmtrain allows one to provide a relative importance for each error individually. ... 14 Dec 2009 08:47
uibuttongroup SelectionChangeFcn
Hello guys, I have the next panel with 4 states: Start, Stop, Pause and Continue, this is the code: Figure=figure(100); h = uibuttongroup('visible','off'); u(1)=uicontrol('Parent',h,'Style','togglebutton','String','Start','pos',[0 250 100 100]) u(2)=uicontrol('Parent',h,'Style','togglebutton','String','St... 12 Dec 2009 14:34
performance of PRMA in satellite LEO
I search a Matlab program which can show the performance of PRMA (Packet Reservation Multiple Access) when it is used in the satellite LEO. It can be done by simulink or just a simple curve by Matlab program. It should show the probability of losing voice packet and the delay with which data packet will wait in the buf... 16 Dec 2009 07:56
spline approximation of ct images
i have a set of 50 edge points... how to separate this in to different regions and approximate each region using b-splines.... ... 11 Dec 2009 04:47
SimPower, Control Design
Hi Is it possible to linearize a SimPower Model using Control Design toolbox. IS there any examples or references for it. Thankyou ... 11 Dec 2009 01:33
Programming SPI-Interface on dSpace DS1104 ! How ?
Hi. I also want to use SPI for DS1104. But I can't. Could you tell me how to use the tranceiving method you did. Thanks for your help. ... 11 Dec 2009 01:33
Distributed array help?
I've been running into the memory wall because I am dealing with really large arrays. Currently, I am running my MATLAB script over a much smaller domain, but am taking advantage of six cores on a single compute node using the Parallel Computing Toolbox and parfor loops. My university has a license for the MATLAB Distr... 6 Jan 2010 08:44
Password Entry Using Inputdlg
Currently, I'm trying to find a way to enter a password into Matlab using either Inputdlg or a MATLAB GUI. We have subjects in the experiment who are trying to speed through parts of it, and we want to control how long it takes them to finish, so I figured passwords would be the best way for them to proceed. I would li... 10 Dec 2009 19:00
Need some advice or hint!
How can i do based on the picture: How can i get the boundry of the iris and the retina? How can i create the cricle on that?I try using hough transform but i can't manage to get the circle! I am just a beginner learner so i need some advice! ... 12 Dec 2009 14:34
Load m-file
I have created a block diagram and trying to add a callback function so it load the m-file when the block is simulated. Any help how to invoke the m-file through simulation of a block? ... 11 Dec 2009 10:13