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Conditions in If sats true one each bUT NOT SIMULTANEOUSLY Hi, I have an if sats with three statements. All statements are true one each but not simultaneously. Here is the If statement with the three conditions: if isnan(coups(ii,dd)) && isempty(mats(ii,dd))==0 && isnan(mats(ii,dd))==0; I have tested both & and && but note of them is working. Any ideas? ... 16 Dec 2009 17:57
Interpolation in an unstructured field I have unstructured [x y z] data from CFD calculations, and would like to convert them to a rectangular meshed grid. - is that possible? I'm thinking of something like N = 50; M = 5; x = rand(1,N); y = rand(1,N); z = rand(1,N); [Xi Yi] = meshgrid(linspace(0,1,M)); Zi = interpUNSTRUCTURED(x,y,z,Xi,Yi) re... 16 Dec 2009 06:52
Doubt on usefulness of the FEX "Jos " <#10584(a)> wrote in message <gev97h$pim$1(a)>... Dear all, A multitude of the more recent submissions, reviews and comments posted on the FEX have nothing to do with matlab or sharing scientific ideas. Yes, I am talking about Marco's trolling behavior evoking equally use... 18 Jan 2010 17:40
Problem deleting single instance of class I am trying to remove a single instance of a class, found as the result of using findobj, however, using delete on the result of findobj deletes not only the instance found but every other instance as well. An extract of the code is given below: result = findobj(handles.NodeManager.nodeList,'middlewareManagerID',MM... 15 Dec 2009 18:56
Vectorized call to TriScatteredInterp? I am looking to interpolate a 2d set of data (well, I have X and Y coordinates that have corresponding values V). I have several parameters that depend on the same X and Y, (ie V1 through V4). Problem is, I have several different (X,Y) spaces that may be used (my data depends on a few different (X,Y) calibrations, and ... 16 Dec 2009 03:38
System Identification I've recently acquired the System Identification toolbox and have a very specific problem I'd like to solve. I have the Step Response of an unknown system. I'd like to identify the Transfer Function using the System Identification toolbox. The only information I know about the system is that it's of the following ... 16 Dec 2009 09:01
Unexpected or internal error encountered in "slOneSimStep"???? Hi i am doing a a sort of Monte Carlo Simulation using Matlab Simulink 2008b i run several times a simulink file that include a closed loop system changing some Seed of Random Numbers Generators I Got this Error Message after some Runs of the Test Unexpected or internal error encountered in "slOneSimStep". Pleas... 15 Dec 2009 17:49
MakeQTMovie Hi... I was trying to run MakeQTMovie function in MatLab 7.8.0(R2009a), but it doesn't worked anymore with this version, it show a message that says: "ava Figures Can No Longer Be Disabled MATLAB no longer allows you to disable the use of Java figures (using feature('javafigures',0)). This change is necessary to ... 16 Dec 2009 04:43
Selecting a whole row in uitable I am trying to create a uitable where clicking on a cell will select the entire row. In Matlab 2007, this was relatively simple: ht=uitable(); h=ht.getTable; h.setColumnSelectionAllowed(1); However, in Matlab 2008 (which I'm using), uitable returns a standard graphics handle, rather than a handle to the java ... 16 Dec 2009 10:07
NI frame grabber - NI 1426 and NI 1409 Cheng Chin wrote: Hi, Can the frame grabber- NI 1426 and/or NI 1409 be interfaced with the SIMULINK- Image and video processing toolbox? Hi Cheng, They can. See: for more details. Mark ... 15 Dec 2009 08:56 |