Graphing 3D shape
Hi, I have a m-by-3 matrix, where m is the number of rows, the 3 values are the x, y and z values of a point on a surface in 3D space. eg: .... 27 23 12 45 54 76 29 34 45 .... I would like to be able to plot these points as a surface, using the mesh() function, or preferably the trimesh() function. Possib... 7 Feb 2010 05:24
voice recognition, matlab coding
"Amy Chacko" <amy_chacko5(a)> wrote in message <ef150f9.34(a)webcrossing.raydaftYaTP>... Pls send me the code. Thank you. M.Amin Anjum wrote: I Have prepared Matlab code for voice recognation. if any body wants mail to me I will forword code 25 Jan 2010 11:38
speaker recognition
"hans " <hansmuller147(a)> wrote in message <grvbld$5ds$1(a)>... Hi all. What is the parameter that compares two or more speakers speech? I mean what is the characteristic of a person's voice. I want to make speaker recognition in matlab. I want to decide which person is speaking... 9 Feb 2010 00:45
mexcallmatlab speed improvements?
Hi Folks I am using a mexCallMatlab statement to call a matlab function, and within this function I am calling subfunctions from a case switchyard (see below). I am finding that when I split the function into its subfunctions, and save each subfunction in its own file, and then call this function directly from mexca... 2 Feb 2010 21:59
"Luigi Giaccari" <giaccariluigi(a)> wrote in message <h2ssh1$a2u$1(a)>... "Technion Technion" <irinalipov(a)> wrote in message <h09eo1$jrt$1(a)>... Hi, I need to find all neighbours of a pixel (in some its area) something like KKNearestNeighbours... ... 25 Jan 2010 11:38
generate figure, save them to png and write them to a subdir.
Hello Although I am not a big fan of the publish function, one thing is indeed very handy. Publish scans a file execute the plot command, save the figure as, say, a png file and moves it to a subdirectory, called html. I would like just to do that part on a file of my choice - execute the plot command... 25 Jan 2010 10:31
quitting a GUI function prematurely from the 'outside'
Hello all, Although I am not new to matlab itself, I am fairly new with making GUI's and I have a GUI related problem which I do not know a way around. Maybe you can help me. I am making a GUI that will control explosive gasses by operating valves (via an analogue computer output). This GUI contains of an infin... 25 Jan 2010 09:24
Simulink Box - Viewpoint Direction to VRML
Hello Everybody; I have a question about "Simulink Box - Viewpoint Direction to VRML". Could somebody provide the information about the usage of this Simulink Box. Thanks; Gamini ... 26 Jan 2010 12:03
MIcrowave Link Design
"Azam Kamarudin" <nuryah81(a)> wrote in message <eef4e3e.-1(a)webx.raydaftYaTP>... Hi.. Is't relevant to use Simulink in Matlab to design a Microwave RadioLink Design and analyzed that link in term of Free Space Loss, Fade Margin, Fading etc? ... 25 Jan 2010 08:17
could you send data and algorithms in matlab then &#305; can look that ... 25 Jan 2010 07:12