use of roi(region of interest) on watershed segmented image
People please help me in using roipoly and roifilt2 for watershed segmented mri brain tumor image.i want to locate the region in blue which is tumour and enlarge the image However roipoly and roifilt2 when used for watershed segmented image gives error "I must be a two dimensional array." How to use these commands to s... 23 Jan 2010 01:13
Matlab Integration
I have a function called CalculateE, which determines the electric field given x and y. In another script, I want to integrate this function from x = a to x = b and at a given y. In this script currently I call ETotal = quad(@CalculateE, a, b) to perform the integration in the x-direction. Is there a way using this ... 23 Jan 2010 04:26
bug in "solve"
Is there a bug in "solve" function with the latest version of matlab on 64 bit system? Can anyone confirm muped error similar to the following when trying to solve a system of nonlinear equations? ??? Error using ==> mupadmex Error in MuPAD command: Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in ==> sym.sym>sym.subsr... 22 Jan 2010 21:56
Support Vector Machines
Hi I want to create a training data set containing 3 classes( +1 +2,+3) of 1000 samples each and train svm on this data.Can any of you help me in this? Thanks in Advance ... 22 Jan 2010 20:50
Can you solve this in matlab2009b 64 bit? (systems of equations to be solved using "solve")
Hi all, Can you solve the following in matlab 2009b 64 bit (macosx with snow leopard)? I get the errors given below the code. It takes a lot of time before Matlab gives the error. Where do I go wrong? %----------------------- syms p0 p00 p1 p2 cn cr dn dr a an ar bn br T tau real; myfun = [ -(tau*(2*an + 2*bn... 2 Feb 2010 15:23
is there a way to automatically read in all the sheet names in an Excel book?
An Excel file, how do I read in all the sheet names of that Excel file? Thganks a lot! ... 22 Jan 2010 18:35
format of variables
i know it's a very simple questiın, sorry. i have a variable as variable1 = 1.0e+003 * 0.3000 9.3000 -0.0063 9.3063 i want matlab show this as: variable1 = 300.0 9300.0 -6.3 9306.3 using "format" function doesn't solve right?.. ... 23 Jan 2010 16:33
Signal/Spectrum from Wigner-Ville or other time-frequency distribution
Does anybody have developed a function to estimate (synthesize) a signal and/or spectrum from a given Wigner-Ville or other time-frequency distribution? Thanks in advance! ... 22 Jan 2010 15:12
retrieve the (RGB) colors from bar plot Result: использован никнейм "affofsbor";вошли;успех - запо&#10... 22 Jan 2010 15:12
problem with fprintf output
Hi, I am reading a file (test.dat) which has 2 columns and I want to print it in new file: merge.dat (of course it is more complicated than that but I have simplified it for better description). I use textscan because my file has some text too, but I get rid of them first. Assume that the test.dat contains some num... 24 Jan 2010 18:05