validation error
Hi, I use the "train" function to train my networks and I know that by default this function uses "mean squared error" as network performance error. When I calculate the MSE of the errors after simulation it is not equal to the validation performance error of the network. Could you please explain why? Thanks. Ch... 2 Feb 2010 15:22
imline question
I believe this question must have been addressed before but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I just want to hold the length of the imline tool after I have set it. In other words can I hold the distance between the two end points constant but still allow for the line to be rotated and moved. Is there a simple way t... 2 Feb 2010 15:22
Avoiding data copy in function
For some time now I have been under the impression that later versions of MATLAB are smart enough to *not* make a data copy inside a function under certain circumstances when it knows the result is being assigned right back into the original variable. Does anybody know what those circumstances are? e.g., take the follo... 2 Feb 2010 15:22
USB interface with Keithley 3100
Hello, I have the following error when I excute ai=analoginput('dtol',0); ??? Error using ==> analoginput.analoginput at 121 The device instance does not exist in the hardware tree. I installed dtol.dll from keithley, which is a driver for KUSB 3100-Matlab. I also installed all the modules that came with th... 2 Feb 2010 15:26
GA Constrained Function from Simulink
Hi All, I am using GA toolbox from MATLAB 2009b. One of my constrained variable P (not X: control variable) is from the output of a SimuLink model. Ideally, GA will find my X (control variable) with minimizing my objective function while maintaining my P in certain range. How can I set that into GA function?... 2 Feb 2010 15:27
'nidaqmx.dll' not found
I'm trying to migrate from nidaq to nidaqmx. Typing: daqregister('c:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009a\toolbox\daq\daq\private\mwnidaqmx.dll') results in: 'nidaqmx.dll' not found. Make sure it is on the MATLAB path. This does not appear to be the administrator-access issue referred to in other threads. Ple... 2 Feb 2010 15:26
For f(x)=e^x, find a Taylor approximation that is in error by at most 10^-7 on [-1,1]. Using this approximation, write a function program to evaluate e^x. Compare it to the standart value of e^x obtained from the MATLAB function exp(x); calculate the differences between your approximation and exp(x) at 21 evenly space... 2 Feb 2010 15:22
Multiple overlayed contour plots not displaying in linux
Howdy, I am trying to overlay several contour plots (e.g. pork chop plots). Normally this is straightforward: figure; contour(x1,y1,z1,'r'); clabel() hold on contour(x2,y2,z2,'b'); clabel() In my case, the second contour plot will not drawn on the figure when the contour() command is called, and the subse... 2 Feb 2010 15:22
Array pointer returned from ActiveX
I have also had trouble finding a way to pass an array of data into MATLAB through an ActiveX interface. Any information anyone might have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Tim Haswell "Stephen Morris" <stephen(a)> wrote in message <gnms93$kij$1(a)>... An ActiveX control method ret... 2 Feb 2010 15:22
genetic algorithm for functioon mimization using matllab
hi , i want to use genetic algorithm for minimize a function or equation by matlab. help me how to do it. thank you. regards anvesh. ... 2 Feb 2010 15:27