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how to implement key management scheme for wireless sensor networks in matlab I am now doing key management scheme for wireless sensor network security. I need the example of matlab source code for this. I can not start how to write the program for key predistribution and how to find their share key among sensor node in matlab. How to generate key pool and how to sensor node randomly select keys... 2 Feb 2010 15:28
Image Processing Query I have undertaken a project on the automation of a Dockyard. I plan to employ image processing to detect the entry of a ship as well as to find out the position of the containers on the ship and transmit the same to a microcontroller using serial communication. My algo involves using line detection method to detect th... 2 Feb 2010 15:29
error with *.avi logging Hi all, I been follow an example from the Matlab website. the link as follows, the problem is then when i run the code, the error stated as below [ {memory} | disk | disk&memory ] Warning: Cannot ... 2 Feb 2010 15:28
counting white blood cell image-filtering doubt hi!i m working with matlab software to count white blood cell in color image...i had already performed segmentation(k-means clustering) n image enhancement..results seems ok but the problem is the image did really left only white blood cells with some particles at the background after segmentation...can d background p... 2 Feb 2010 15:29
PV Systems Modeling On Simulink > Are you talking about the solar cell block in SimElectronics? It does represent a signle cell, but you could adjust the parameters to make it represent an array of cells. Alternatively, you could model the array by... 2 Feb 2010 15:28
daqsvm for classification net = train(dagsvm, tutor, train_data, y, C, kernel); ı wanna use that function but daqsvm doesnt find by matlab how can ı found daqsvm in matlab for multiclass classification thanks for attention ... 2 Feb 2010 15:28
doubt give me a code for pixel-block aware encoding process.. and also a zig-zag scanning code ... 2 Feb 2010 15:28
How to use all threads for computation? I am currently using matlab 2009b on an i7 computer, which has four cores with hyper thread technology. Therefore, there are "8" cpus. However, I can only utilize 4 of them by using command "matlabpool 4". When I ran the program, the maximum cpu usage was only 50%. Is there any way that I can utilize all of 8 "cp... 2 Feb 2010 15:28
backwards text - MATLAB possessed? "Jesse Powell" <jpowell(a)> wrote in message <eeb35bf.-1(a)WebX.raydaftYaTP>... Maybe my MATLAB is possessed, but when I generate a figure using bar or hist, the axes values text is reversed (like a mirror image). This doesn't happen with the plot command. And it doesn't happen if I create new vec... 2 Feb 2010 15:28
matlab ilaplace command question I am using the ilaplace command from matlab and it keeps spitting out the dirac delta function. I typed the exact command in the matlab help section and it still gives me this. for example I type in this... ilaplace(1/(s-1)) and I get this... 1 - dirac(t) below is a copy of matlab help file that has this ex... 2 Feb 2010 15:28 |