Using fread in mex files
> >> mex mexfopen.c a = uint32(1:10); fid = fopen('uint32data','w'); fwrite(fid,a,'uint32'); fclose(fid); b = mexfopen('uint32data') b = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 This example is a interesting one. ... 23 Feb 2010 10:08
how to implement this 4D volume?
Hi, I'm a newcomer to Matlab. Now I get some messy points with its coordinates(x,y,z) and property(V),there are all numeric vectors.In my text file it's formated in rows like 'x,y,z,v'.How can I use matlab to render the volume based on these points? I'll be very appreciated for any suggestion. ... 23 Feb 2010 20:29
Saving & Loading TriScatteredInterp results
Hello, I am using TriScatteredInterp to interpolate a fairly large data set. I would like to save the result to a file to reuse it later, and tried to simply save the class to a file like this: L1=TriScatteredInterp(X, Y, Z, 'linear'); save Cache.mat L1; However loading the class afterwards takes a very long... 23 Feb 2010 03:33
Re-arranging symbolic equations
I have a function v2 = createV_k(2,gamma); Which creates a symbolic expression as shown below:- v2 = (1/u1^gamma)^(1/gamma + 1)/(1/u1^gamma + 1/u2^gamma - 1)^(1/gamma + 1) The equation above has the following symbolic variables symvar(v2_eqn) ans = [ gamma, u1, u2] What I would like to d... 23 Feb 2010 02:27
error using "set"
hi all i've a query here on what i've done wrong and i'm not sure where exactly the problem is. I build a gui and in the gui, there is a static text box and a pushbutton. when i press a pushbutton, it should come up with a text where i'm using set function. function pushbutton19_Gen_Bands_Callback(hObject... 23 Feb 2010 02:27
Raytracing for a 3-D structure
how to implement ray tracing in MATLAB for a 3-D structure with varying refractive index profile?Also how to start with creating a surface ,having grids,with each grid having a different refractive index.The size of the grid is flexible ... 23 Feb 2010 02:27
error using "set"
hi all i've a query here on what i've done wrong and i'm not sure where exactly the problem is. I build a gui and in the gui, there is a static text box and a pushbutton. when i press a pushbutton, it should come up with a text where i'm using set function. function pushbutton19_Gen_Bands_Callback(hObject... 23 Feb 2010 01:22
About denoising of ECG
Hai , I m doing my project related to ECG signal denoising by EKF structure.So I m in need of how the ECG signal is denoised by using Kalman filter & Other filters. What s the main advantage of the EKF. ... 23 Feb 2010 01:22
How to find 1s between 0s at the odd positions and 0s at the even positions without loop
Hi, I have a 1x10,000 array of random 0s and 1s. I was trying to find the 1s between 0s at the odd positions and 0s at the even positions and discard the 1s between 0s at even positions and the odd positions. For example, for [ 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 ], [ 1 1] at ind=5 & 6 are the ones I want to find. Since the arrary... 25 Feb 2010 14:48
fminsearch, plot each iterations
Hello, Say I have a Rosenbrock function (n=2) and I want to see each iteration when I use fminsearch(ros,x0) How can I do that? Thanks ... 24 Feb 2010 11:59