Moments plus Neural Network for handwritten letters recognition
Hi, I work on project for handwritten letters recognition, My project is written in matlab, by now I do to segmentation but for description I use moments and for classification use neural network and I dont know use together....Have you got some tutorials with this problem? Thx a lot. ... 21 Feb 2010 17:07
custom curve fitting (dumped sinusoidal)
Hello. I`m fitting some data with a dumped sinusoidal. I´v tried with cdtool and fit, with custom equations, but it gives horrible results. It doesn´t work even when I use a custom sine function to fit a real sine function, but it works fin when I use the matlab sine function (no custom). Any idea? ... 21 Feb 2010 18:15
resize array
Dear Young! I have an array: A=rand(1000, 1000); I'd like to resize to 25% size (thus 250 by 250) using average. I usd resizem funciton, but it was quite slow. Could you recommend the fastest way to resize array? You could try BlockMean: Good l... 21 Feb 2010 16:00
How to fill in a region with different patterns?
Hi to all, Here is a question which I cannot solve. Appreciate so much for any suggestions! I have a squared region which is irregularly divided into many rectangular patches. Each patch is associated with a value, and two patches possibly share a common value. I hope to fill in each patch a pattern according t... 22 Feb 2010 17:32
How to fill in a region with different patterns?
Hi to all, Here is a question which I cannot solve. Appreciate so much for any suggestions! I have a squared region which is irregularly divided into many rectangular patches. Each patch is associated with a value, and two patches possibly share a common value. I hope to fill in each patch a pattern according t... 21 Feb 2010 15:59
How to generate ROC Curve for SVMs??
I have trained my data using Steve Gunn's toolbox and now need to generate its ROC curve. I know one way to generate ROC curves is by changing the bias term in the following code from the Gunn's tolbox (after training the data, I keep alpha0 and ker and vary the bias term): [nsv0 alpha0 bias0] = svc(trnX,trnY,ker,C... 21 Feb 2010 14:52
Advanced logical operators?
Hi all, Are there any advanced logical operators, especially for the effect of "in" and "between"? I would like to write the following iages = find (ages == 0 | ages == 1 | (ages >=20 & ages <=30) | ages == 65); as iages = find (ages INOP [0 1 65] | ages BETWEENOP [20 30]) or some such. I w... 21 Feb 2010 15:59
fft and ifft : and fftshift
hi i have vector e.g vec = [1+2*j ,1+3*j ..] length 64 i use fft of the vector vecFreq = fftshift(fft(fftshift(vec),64)); now i want to take only first coefficients of the vector and restore it is it possible ? vecFreq=vecFreq(1:4); first 4 coeff [ what to do with the negative values ?>] vecRestored... 28 Feb 2010 01:19
Comparison between two images
Hi again, I'm trying to compare between two shapes (proper bone of the nose) : one is either healthy either fractured, the other is healthy in order to categorize the nose I'm treating. The problem is that the healthy nose cannot be considered as an atlas image (to be compared to) because of the large amount of diff... 21 Feb 2010 14:52
Problem with adding legend?
Hello, My data are aranged by days and for each day I plot several trial in the same color. I would like my legend to be per day only! That is, say I plotted 5 trials for day 1 and 3 trials for day 2, then my legend should be composed of TWO LINES ONLY, one for DAY1 and one for DAY2. Currently, the legend creates a n... 22 Feb 2010 00:54