I have trouble using the winqueryreg function. I do not have problem using the example : winqueryreg 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT' 'mwsamp.mwsampctrl.2\clsid' and even if I add new key to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT , I can read it perfectly. However, if I am trying to read key from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE he cant get the correct key: ... 28 Feb 2010 11:05
reconstruction of underwater image by bispectrum
"Bhavna Tripathi" <my.bhavna(a)> wrote in message <hltmh2$9v1$1(a)>... i need the matlab code for "reconstruction of underwater image by bispectrum" for my final year project. along with the proper tutorials as i'm not a professional matlab programmer. please help me with this. In add... 22 Feb 2010 08:30
How to automatically cancel an ode45 calculation
Hi, I have an ode45 calculation, and if it runs longer than 2 minutes, it won't deliver an appropriate result. So there is no need for a longer run... ;) So... how can I automatically cancel the ode45 calculation after e.g. 5 minutes? Thanks in advances! Stefan ... 22 Feb 2010 07:25
Increasing MaxProductWordLength
Hey, I have a problem with high precission multiplications. I have e.g 6 33-bit numbers and i want to multiply them. After this I will get error message like: MaxProductWordLength is 128 bits and a minimum word length of 140 bits is necessary to guarantee that this product can be computed with no loss of precisio... 22 Feb 2010 06:19
error in eval function
so i am giving the following commands and am facing an error in eval function :- syms p q m n k n =24 m = 25 A = symsum ( ((sym('(n-1)!')/(sym('(n-k-1)!') * (sym('k!'))))* (sym('m!')/(sym('(m-k)!')*(sym('k!')))) *(p^k)* ((1 - p)^(n-k-1)) * (q^k)* ((1 - q)^(m - k))), k, 0, n-1) matlab gives eval(A)... 22 Feb 2010 10:43
reconstruction of underwater image by bispectrum
i need the matlab code for "reconstruction of underwater image by bispectrum" for my final year project. along with the proper tutorials as i'm not a professional matlab programmer. please help me with this. ... 22 Feb 2010 07:24
building gui using guide
i want to exceute user defined function in 'demo.m' by clicking a button in gui(building with the help of guide) plz help me ... 28 Feb 2010 01:19
Changing the colormap
Hi, I have two matrices 'A' and 'B', where A having values ranging from -1 to +1 and B having values ranging from +0.2 to +1. When I try to represent the values of A and B by colors through the command '' imagesc(A)'' and ''imagesc(B)'' then a I get a nice colored box for each matrix showing different colors wit... 22 Feb 2010 06:19
Image-subtraction Motion correction
Hello: I have to do an image subtraction: they are two head CT (with and without injected contrast material), and after subtraction, a motion correction must be done. I don't know how to do it, the instructions mentioned control points, template matching and hill-climbing. I have selected some control points alread... 23 Feb 2010 03:33
%%% Anuksha navel & smootched by the Hero V----? %%%
%%% Anuksha navel & smootched by the Hero V----? %%% ... 22 Feb 2010 05:14