How to have drop down menu to select in inputdlg
Hello, I want matlab to first create dialogue 'Input' with prompts...'A', 'B' and 'C'. Then 'Input' dialogue box should have all three prompts of A, B and C. Prompt B should have a default value of i.e. "99". I can do everything upto above... Now, I want all three prompts A, B and C of dalogue 'Input' to hav... 21 Mar 2010 23:14
function handles
Hello! I have list with parameters, with which I calculate a result which is in the end processed in my main file. Like this: [Code] function [a,b]=parameters; a=1; b=2; [/Code] [Code] function some=sum [a,b]=parameters; some=a+b; [/Code] %main file [Code] . . . someFunc... 22 Mar 2010 14:13
fmincon, Hessian and extra parameters
Hi, I got a problem with the definition of the Hessian used by the FMINCON function. I'm using the interior-point algorithm to solve a constrained nonlinear problem. I calculated the analytic expression of both gradient and Hessian, and I'm passing both to FMINCON using the options ('GradObj','on') and ('Hessian',... 22 Mar 2010 19:12
Matlab and FTDI VCP drivers
I'm trying to use the FTDI 245 USB chip with Matlab and VCP (virtual com port) drivers. I'd like to just use simple serial I/O commands in Matlab. Anyone with any experience doing this? ... 25 Mar 2010 06:51
patch lighting and surface normal
I'm trying to create a 3D sphere using patch ('Vertices' and 'Faces' method), that reflects light from a light object. All works well except for one very annoying, and perplexing, problem. While most patch surfaces reflect light corrrectly (outside surface only), for others -- only their inside surface reflects ... 24 Mar 2010 01:07
GUI design
I have designed a GUI, It gives me two files. an m-file and a fig file. If i input all of the values that i have assigned in the GUI layout editor in my m-file, can i then do away with the fig file? ... 21 Mar 2010 19:42
xlswrite; creating xlsm workbooks; xlsm extension
Hello community, I am facing a problem concerning the xlswrite function in conjunction with the xlsm extension. While it is not a problem to create new Excel workbooks using xls or xlsx extensions it is not possible to do so with the xlsm files. If I use the xlswrite function with an existing xlsm file it works well... 21 Mar 2010 15:03
make quiver into array?
Hi I am trying to fuse a black and white image with a quiver plot (with quiver points corressponding to every pixel) but cant figure out how to get the arrows. Using MATLAB 2007.? I currently display the image and lay the quiver on top then use getFrame to save to an AVI. I would rather just have the array and ma... 21 Mar 2010 16:11
Edit text box GUI
Hi, I have a a edit text box on a GUI and i dont know what ive done but its magically gained up and down buttons. The up and down buttons look like they are suppose to change the value in my edit text box. I dont want these buttons at all. Would anyone know how i could get rid of them please? ... 21 Mar 2010 16:11
DSP 3D operations on Multi dimensional arrays
Hi.. How can I use DSP operations like (3D FFT, 3D Convolution & 3D Correlation) on Multi dimensional Arrays? I have 4 Problems about (3D signals) and i could not find it's answer : Q1\Find the 3D FFT of A(3*4*2) using FFT with T-Matrix computation. Q2\Find the 3D circular convolution between x(3,5,6) & h(3... 21 Mar 2010 15:03