Please help with newton raphson method in matlab
I have a likelihood function with three parameters.I need to estimate parameters using newton raphson method.I dont know how? pls anyone help. ... 26 Mar 2010 03:35
Using spline fitting in MEX files
Hi, I am trying to find the zeros of a function whose value I have at discrete points. Doing this in MATLAB directly is a matter of using a spline fit and subsquently using the fnzeros command to find all the roots of this data. So assuming that the function 'y' is specified at certain points 'x' I would do, f1=s... 20 Mar 2010 04:05
ARMA estimated value prediction
how to get the value of a ARMA model estimated signal??? the signal is showing when the "Time plot" is clicked but how to get the value of the signal i dont know can anybody help?? ... 20 Mar 2010 08:30
Area integral over a triangle in MATLAB -- is numerical integration possible?
Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to perform a double integral in MATLAB like \int \int f(x,y) dx dy where the domain of integration is a triangle, whose vertex coordinates are known? A full question is posted here: Thanks in advance! ... 23 Mar 2010 14:46
How do I freeze the axes?
How can I fix the axes so they don't change? I keep setting it, and then every time I add something, it resets. I can't find the answer in the doc set or online. cells=zeros(dim); cells(seed(1),seed(2))=64; image(cells); axis equal; axis tight; walkers=zeros(num,2); walkers(:,1)=randi(... 21 Mar 2010 20:50
Can i run my simulink model from my GUI
Assuming the simulink model is open, when i click simulate on my GUI i want it to run the simulink model, how do i do this? If the model is not open and i click on simulate on my GUI is there a way it can open the model and make it run ... 20 Mar 2010 00:33
Re. fmincon vs lsqnonlin
Having read the thread, I got a couple of more questions in addition to that related to my case that I am working on. 1) I am using LSQNONLIN at the moment, and my code reached convergence despite the fact that some of the parameter estimates actually are out of upper and lower bounds pre-specified. Why is this happ... 20 Mar 2010 00:33
Re. fmincon vs lsqnonlin
Having read the thread, I got a couple of more questions in addition to that related to my case that I am working on. 1) I am using LSQNONLIN at the moment, and my code reached convergence despite the fact that some of the parameter estimates actually are out of upper and lower bounds pre-specified. Why is this happ... 20 Mar 2010 00:33
Export figure to .eps using exportfig()
Hi All, I am tryng to export a figure to .eps using function exportfig(). My problem is to adjust the resolution of my eps file. For example, I tried the two exportfig commands below. exportfig(gcf,'figure1.eps', 'width',3.33, 'fontmode','fixed', 'fontsize',8,'color','cmyk','resolution',1200); exportfig(gcf,'fig... 19 Mar 2010 21:14
image processing
I have been trying to experiment with some downloaded code, but MATLAB does not seem to recognize or even have any entries in the help files for some of the arguments in the code. First of all, I am using 7.8.0 (R2009a). The code is part of a SIFT (scale-invariant feature transform) routine. Basically I ge... 19 Mar 2010 21:14