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rounding particle value using PSO how to intially assign position and velocity of a particle in 8x8 matrix(block of an image)? ... 5 Apr 2010 19:28
Matlab certification Hello, I too wanted to know about any certification course in MATLAB. Please respond ASAP. regards, Jishnu Krishnan ... 22 Mar 2010 11:51
program on image processing I need a program to calculate the difference in pixel values of each 1/10th part of each row of pixels. If the difference between two pixels exceeds 20% of the highest pixel value in that row, display ' Not Suitable'. ... 25 Mar 2010 03:16
Identify vector values >9 and subtract 10 Hi, just need a little help, I have no idea how to go about this. If i was given an arbitrarily sized row vector, [1 18 4 5 9 14 11] in this case. How would I identify all the values that are bigger than 9, subtract 10 from them and add 1 onto the previous value in the row? Thanks =) ... 22 Mar 2010 06:03
Plotting - Not all of them are plotted Hi, I am trying to plot a series of randomly generated line segments. However for some weird reason the following code is not plotting all of them. For example, if I were to set the num variable to 3, it only shows either 1 or 2 lines. If i set it to 6, it only displays 4 lines... I'm lost!! If you need more parts o... 22 Mar 2010 01:27
Compiling MEX files for use on platforms with different versions of GCC Hello, I have MEX code I want to compile for use on RedHat, which uses GCC 4.1 and libgfortran1. I want to do the compile with GCC 4.4.1 on my Ubuntu box, and be able to just copy the MEX file over. (The reasons I want to do this particular set of operations isn't all that important, lets just say I have to do it th... 22 Mar 2010 00:21
mean shift clustering code matlab Hi Can any one help me to find matlab code for Mean Shift , i have a RGB image converter to L*a*b color space, now i want to apply Mean shift to segmentation a region from the image. So please let me know where can i find mean shift clustering code Matlab and how to use in color image ? Please help me... ... 22 Mar 2010 00:21
retrieving pointer data from a struct causes segfault Thanks for the replies, i did manage to solve this issue, but only using a hack. Using matlab to generate a prototype m file from a c++ header file worked as expected. The problem was in the definition of a particular struct. In the prototype m-file i found (long line, sorry): structs.s_playerc_device_t.members=... 21 Mar 2010 21:57
Cos infinite series I'm having trouble trying to write a matlab function for the cos infinite series in matlab terms cos(x)=1-x^2/2!+x^4/4!-x^6/6!+... I googled the cos infinite function and got ((-1^n)(x^2*n))/(2n)! I plugged it into matlab, it seemed to work. but when i plugged the values into both of the equations to check the mat... 21 Mar 2010 23:14
I PAY WHO CAN SOLVE MY Final Year Project until 24/03/2010. London Only please Pattern discovery in financial data provided in company balance sheets for evaluation and prediction of credit risk and survivability. The project wil involve te analysis and processing of financial records and balance sheets of medium to large enterprises, with the aim to: a) model company's financial state and... 21 Mar 2010 20:50 |