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return to begin of function
acamphuis <allard.camphuis(a)> wrote in message <1622418795.35939.1271671312435.JavaMail.root(a)>... Hello, I have a question: with what command can i let the function return to the begin of the function? for example if a value meets with an if statement, then the function must... 20 Apr 2010 15:56
trying to write a function
Hello there, I'm new to programming and matlab and can't figure out why this script won't run. I saved the script as plate_vel.m. When I try to run it, it says input argument "lat" is undefined. Here's the script. function v1 = plate_vel(lat, lon, latp, lonp, omega) % %computes the local velocity plate vecto... 20 Apr 2010 15:55
int32 to double
using double(cell2mat(C)) gives an error: ??? Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object. Error in ==> cell2mat at 44 cellclass = class(c{1}); ... 20 Apr 2010 15:54
surf plot not responding
Hello, I am having difficulty with the surf command. I have a 400x400 matrix 'Z' which I want to plot using surf(Z) This appears to work but the resulting figure allows no interaction - i.e. I can't rotate it enlarge it or so on. If I plot a subset of the elements of Z surf(Z(1:n,1:n)) there are no prob... 23 Apr 2010 17:36
matlab 2009 multithread application not optimized
I have a C code running a m file .so library compiled with mcc matlab 2009. I use a dual Xeon cpu machine, each cpu having 4 cores (8 hyperthreaded cores for each cpu). At launch time a certain number of threads is created by the application which is not always the same (most of the time is 4 and occasionally 5). In ... 20 Apr 2010 15:54
Marking specific value in a histogram
Hi all! I have mad a histogram showing some results of 10000 simulations. Now I would like to mark as clearly as possible (maybe with an arrow, or simply with specially designed bar) where does a particular value (original value, H0) fall into in this empirical distribution. Any ideas how to do this? Thanks in adva... 20 Apr 2010 15:56
Harris Corners map
I require a Harris Corners map for a given image using Harris Corner Operator. The input will be an color image and reduction range 'R' and output should be a Harris Corners map respect to to the image. ... 21 Apr 2010 01:10
Animating nozzle of a rocket
I want to animate the motion of the nozzle of a rocket using matlab. it would be basically a gimballing motion. the problem has 2 parts 1) an animation from the back-view of the nozzle. Think like this ...if i have a pen(laser light) along the axis of the nozzle with tip pointing towards the i put circula... 20 Apr 2010 15:55
figure / axes: ticks at the bottom/left side only
Hi Matlab community, after inspecting all properties of a figure and its axes I still can't figure out how I can let the upper and right ticks disappear. I plot them outside of the drawing ('TickDirMode','manual','TickDir','out') and it looks quite akward if ticks appear also on the top and on the right. Does anyone... 20 Apr 2010 15:54
Examining Data in the Simulink Debugger
Hi, How can I examine block I/O data while stopped in a Simulink breakpoint? 'probe' shows me some data but not large or complex vectors. Here's a sample of the output from 'probe' that I see: (sldebug @234): >> probe Entering block probe mode. Click on any block to see its data. Type any com... 20 Apr 2010 15:54
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