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use induction motor drive as generator?
can I use the 6 step vsi induction motor drive as a generator? I am building a IG wind turbine and and need AC-DC-AC conversion with controlled inverters which the wind turbine demos don't seem to have. ... 23 Apr 2010 17:36
use induction motor drive as generator?
I am trying to build a wind turbine with variable speed induction generator. Can I use the 6 step vsi induction motor drive model as a generator? Is there a better option? I need to have AC-DC-AC conversion with gate controlled inverters. The wind farm examples only seem to have 3 phase AC direct to the grid ... 23 Apr 2010 17:36
Design by Equivlent Cost
Hi, Following is my code for plotting the continuous closed loop poles and equivlent discrete closed loop poles for different values of R matrix. A = [0 1;0 0]; B = [0;1]; C = [1 0]; D = [0]; Ts = 0.4; states = {'theta','dtheta'}; inputs = {'F'}; outputs = {'theta'}; sysC = ss(A,B,C,D,'statename',states,'... 23 Apr 2010 17:36
Help required for rcosine function
"Abbas Haider" <wetway(a)> wrote in message <hqrl3u$br8$1(a)>... I am supposed to design a raised cosine pulse shaping filter. as per the given instructions at Mathworks when i try to compile the code (even the given examples) i get the following error. ____________ERROR_____________ ... 23 Apr 2010 17:36
Mex error directory invalid
On 23 apr, 05:05, "Josefina " <ryokokoyr1...(a)> wrote: I am attempting to install this toolbox called INface: A Toolbox for Illumination Invariant Face Recognition. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you. Contact whoever wrote the toolbox and ask them for help. Rune ... 23 Apr 2010 17:36
Axes sizes and alignment of subplots: hist vs boxplot
"Stephan " <stephand(a)> wrote in message <hqrkdr$ro$1(a)>... Hi Does exist a work around which corrects different axes sizes in a subplot figure? I have noticed that box plots appeared smaller than plots of histograms. Thus, they are not in line, which results in a r... 23 Apr 2010 17:36
what's wrong with '7' in stem function
Hi, The first dot is not omitted, just try this code: q = [1,7]; stem(q); axis([0 3 0 8]) On Apr 23, 10:21 am, "johnson ?" <zxjohn...(a)> wrote: a simple case q = [1,7]; stem(q); the first dot is omitted q = [1,6]; stem(q); that's ok! interesting? tested in matlab r2009b windo... 23 Apr 2010 17:36
Regarding assembling 2 matrices in to one
1) I am trying to solve a composite beam response problem. The size of GLOBAL STIFFNESS MATRIX that I need should be of the order od 80thousand*80 thousand. I evaluated local stiffness matrices for each beam separately and assemgled them to GLOBAL MATRIX. I could initialize GLOBAL MATRIX to the desired size using s... 23 Apr 2010 17:36
nvcc fatal : Cannot find compiler 'cl.exe' in PATH
Hi All, I am trying to create m file from cuda files name is given in Matlab_CUDA_1.1 Folder),but I find the following error: nvmex -f nvmexopts.bat -IC:\cuda\include -LC:\cuda\lib nvcc fatal : Cannot find compiler 'cl.exe' in PATH C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB71\BIN\NVMEX.PL: Error: Compile of 'Szeta.c... 23 Apr 2010 20:56
Handles not updated in UDP DatagramReceivedFcn
Hi All, I'm creating a relatively complicated program using a GUI and a UDP link between two computers. On the computer that does most of the work, I need to use arrays passed around in the GUI's handles structure within the datagram received function. The definition of the datagram recieved function is made like ... 23 Apr 2010 20:55
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