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If statement help
I need help writing a single instruction that will take a vector y and change it such that any element of y that is less than pi is set to pi. I had this: y = [1 2 3 4 5] for k = 1:length(y) if y(k) < pi y = pi end end and I get ??? Attempted to access y(2); index out of bounds because numel(y)=1. ... 20 Apr 2010 19:40
Mac electronic I/O
Hello, I'm looking into the options for electronic I/O with modern macintosh computers - specifically the Mac Book Pro with USB2, FW400, FW800 and Express Card ports I'd like something that could both read digital pulses and output them with some kind of easily accessed system wide interface that could be incorpo... 20 Apr 2010 18:29
Compiled on 32 bit won't run on 64 bit
Will an application compiled on a 32-bit windows system run on a 64-bit windows system? I am compiling with MATLAB R2009b on Windows XP. The target machine is 64 bit Windows; don't know if its Vista or 7 or whether that matters. I can't seem to find a clear statement concerning this question in the Matlab documentati... 23 Apr 2010 20:57
Matlab GUI issues with R2007a
I am having a problem with Matlab GUI on R2007a that I cannot find a solution for online. Hopefully somebody here can help. The program has been running with no problems until recently. For no apparent reason, I can no longer open the .fig file to edit through GUIDE. When I try to open the file in GUIDE, I get an... 20 Apr 2010 18:28
Reading mat file in C++ (VS)
"James Tursa" <aclassyguy_with_a_k_not_a_c(a)> wrote in message <hqkur0$e1v$1(a)>... "Ehsan Salari" <ehsan.salari(a)> wrote in message <hqkqi6$j5j$1(a)>... I am trying to open a mat file in C++. In my mat file I have arrays of type double and integer and also numb... 20 Apr 2010 18:28
TreeBagger missing values
I was wondering if anyone knew how the TreeBagger handles missing values. There seem to be two methods described in literature and by Breiman. One of these (apparently, the better one) uses a recursive/iterative method for computing the missing value. Does anyone know (for certain) which method is implemented? There... 20 Apr 2010 18:28
Trouble with textscan
Hi, I have troubles reading a line in a text file using textscan. Here is the example: UTC Launch Time (y,m,d,h,m,s): 2008, 10, 28, 03:27:29 I tried several things but the problem is that MATLAB gets confused by the "," delimiters. I tried for example: tmp=textscan(fid,'%s %s %s %s %f %f %f... 20 Apr 2010 20:47
How to get elements in a specific order from matrix
Hi all lets say we have a=[1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 21 22 23 24 30 37 40] This matrix has two kinds of elements; the elements which follow specific order such [ 1 2 3 4 5] and [20 21 22 23 24 ] and the elements that not follow any order such[10 15 20 ]... I need to count how many times I have elements that follow i2=i1+... 20 Apr 2010 15:59
Clusters by k means based on sensor measurements
I have a N*3 matrix M(a,b,c) of sensor measurements. N is the number of sensors, "a" is the measurement of the sensor, "b" and "c" are the location of the sensor, say, the coordinate in a plane. I need to clustering the sensors by their measuements. I know I can use kmeans algorithm. But in the matlab help, the input m... 20 Apr 2010 15:58
help trying to modify property of passed object
can anyone explain why the connectedTPs property of my bsobj object isn't being modified?--bsobj is an array of bsobj objects function tpobj = assignBS(tpobj,bsobj) for i=1:length(bsobj) [closestBSdist,closestBSID]=min(tpobj.BSdistances(:,2)); tpobj.ConnectedBS=closestBSI... 20 Apr 2010 15:58
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