MEX files
Hello, I am using MatlabR2007a on Windows, and I am trying to open the LIBSVM-mat toolbox. However, I cannot used the .mexw32 files contained in it because of the following error: Invalid MEX-file 'F:\libsvm-mat-2.89-3\svmtrain.mexw32' I even tried re-compiling my c files using the command mex svmtrain.c but the e... 15 Oct 2009 10:29
Histogram Comparison
Hi, I am trying to compare histograms of two indexed images. I load the images like this: img=imread('large.jpg'); templ=imread('template.jpg'); [img map_img]=rgb2ind(img,32); [templ map_templ]=rgb2ind(templ,32); pick_region = struct('x',0,'y',0,'Value',0); I=imhist(img,map_img); M=imhist(templ,map_img); My... 15 Oct 2009 10:29
PowerGUI FFT won't update waveforms
"Nick " <nicholasDOTdenniston(a)> wrote in message <ggj06v$99g$1(a)>... I'm using the PowerGUI Discrete simulation to simulate a closed-loop inverter. Every time I click on the FFT analysis, the waveform shown is from a simulation I completed yesterday. The following problems/errors o... 14 Oct 2009 23:35
recursion on an array
so i'm trying to find the sum of the rings of an array, and return the sums starting with the innermost ring. i also have to use recursion. for example, if arr = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 output = [5 40] i tried adding up all the numbers on the outside and then manually deleting the outside ring and then moving to ... 14 Oct 2009 21:24
huffman coding finding
i cannot find any huffman coding with simulink..i really dont know how to link M-file with simulink..any one really to help ... 14 Oct 2009 21:24
Real-time control with Matlab/Simulink
"Matej Zorko" <dastruja(a)> wrote in message <ha7c8h$4im$1(a)>... Greetings, I am trying to control a robotic arm that performs a high speed task using a model in Simulink. The arm has it's own server that communicates with the control computer via UDP protocol. The problem that I am... 14 Oct 2009 20:18
64bits and memory problem
I recently shifted to Ubuntu(a)64bits and I have a problem with Matlab r2009a&memory. The code makes use of a C file which is compiled via mex name.c In a 32bits architecture everything is fine. Under 64 bits the file is correctly compiled, but the programs stops with the error Function "mxGetIr_700" is obsole... 19 Nov 2009 17:28
How to know when the NN is "Validation Stop"
Good day I have a backpropagation neural network for voice recognition, and sometimes for the number of the neurons the result is: "Validation stop" or "Performence met" and how to know when the NN is in that state, is important because i want to know which combination is ok and with that built fold validation. ... 18 Oct 2009 01:59
What is .csf file
What is .csf file. This file is usually accompanying a .mexw32 file. Thanks, Joy ... 14 Oct 2009 13:39
fengdemo with Intel Fortran
I having trouble figuring out how to compile/link/run the fengdemo.f with Intel Visual Fortran 11.1. Either by creating a "project" or from the command line. It doesn't seem to know what to do with fintrf.h, giving .... : warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line And so subsequently it gives syntax errors for ... 30 Oct 2009 09:59